> …does anybody care about this anymore aside from corporate PR people?
Anyone who wants to know where gaming or journalism or politics is going?
You know, unless the goal is signal how above it all you are™.
> Ah well, I’ll bite:
> Y’know whats really killing video games?
> It’s not the SJWs, it’s not feminism, it’s not MRAs, it’s not sexism.
> The game industry sucks for the same reason that everything else sucks: the current capitalist economic system.
No, SJWs are doing a pretty decent job of fucking up our games.
The current economic system is just one more thing on the pile (inB4 "those sources are unreliable because they disagree with my political opinion!").
> But instead of realizing that, we decided to elect a pair of washed-up right-wing hacks as the faces of the movement, then praise every single plattitude that came out of their mouths.
We talk about free speech, ethical behavior, and making the world place, and then follow through.
If you actually gave a damn about "ending the current capitalist economic system" you'd be using those new FTC regulations we got passed to hammer the MSM every time they broke them.
Yeah, yeah, it's not going to bring the revolution, but it will fuck up the ability of those outlets to keep spreading their propaganda.
> Honestly, I’m embarassed to have even been a part of this movement.
You and every other person who decided that doctrinal purity & tribal signaling outweighs "get shit down" as a priority.
> It’s mostly been petty nerd fights, and any real victory we’ve had has been outpaced by something else.
Yeah, yeah, those new FTC regulations, the 1000s page investigation, spreading our values to the mainstream, all non-victories since you decided that GamerGate is embarrassing & unimportant.
This why you will fail,
> The Hulk Hogan lawsuit decimated gawker more than we ever did…and that was a calculated act of petty revenge by a Silicon Valley Sociopath who thinks that “freedom and democracy are incompatible”. Nick Denton sucks, but Peter Thiel is worse.
Nick Denton got off on ruining lives & dreamed of a world where no one had any privacy, even the NSA wasn't willing to go that far.
Pro-Tip: When your political enemy is doing the right thing don't attack them for it_, when Hitler builds an orphanage & passes laws against animal abuseGermany then don't go out kicking puppies to make some stupid point.
Praise Hitler for saving that kitten from a tree and then hammer him when he starts talking about gassing the Jews or invading Russia during the winter.
Because otherwise you're going to ruin your credibility for when it matters.
> Besides, identitarianism is bullshit anyway. Toodles!
"Muh trendy /leftypol/ buzzwords will make me succeed!"
Yeah no, your focus on attacking successful people instead of making success for yourself will condemn you to the same failures as /pol/.
> [everyone I disagree with is a puppet!.jpg]
That arrogance will be your downfall, remember that for the future.
I love science! And not in the "fake geek hipster" way, in the "uncovering the truth & driving back falsehood is the greatest achievement of humanity" way.
And SJWs get triggered by South Park, I feel a song coming on!
P.S. If Digital Suicide manages to drag Jim Sterling into court I can't wait to see what gets dragged out, I want to see him try to weasel his way out of saying that calling Anita stupid is evil internet harassment and then justify his criticism of the Romine bros. Sure, they can't win but they don't seem to know that & discovery is all kinds of fun.