--He's more polarizing than generally hated, but I like Kanye West.
--People who ironically like Death Grips are obnoxious, sprouting shit like "meme music lol". I should clarify that I like Death Grips unironically.
--GamerGate and the people in it really are becoming more and more right-wing. In the past, a statement like that would've just been some crap uttered by SJWs to make them look bad, but I'm starting to believe that it's true now; I can't help but feel that pro-GGers will scold anyone who even holds a liberal or left-wing ideology, or is not as politically incorrect as them. But I wouldn't know; I haven't bothered to check them out in a long time, and I won't anytime soon since GG actually stressed me out when I was part of it. And that's something I'm not happy to say.
--People who connect the FE: Fates localization controversy with radical feminists/SJWs blaming all the changes on them and saying the changes were made to "promote a specific ideology" (looking at you, GamerGate) are morons who need to stop inserting their antifeminist/anti-SJW views into these controversies when they aren't really connected to said groups (feminists/SJWs).