http://i.imgur.com/hJaluJ9.jpg (relevance: Argues that a extreme violence shouldn't be considered normal when it already isn't considered normal. Repeats exactly what Jon says)
http://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-the-us-bombed-them-back-to-traditional-values-feminism-does-not-exist-in-japan-while-anita-sarkeesian-81-55-75.jpg (relevance, says feminism does not exist in japan when it does, says that US bombing helped japanese culture).
@Hurt free speech
https://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/02/un-discusses-banning-the-sale-of-japanese-games-containing-sexual-violence/ (relevance, United Nations is in discussion over banning video games, the term used is sexual violence when it is defined as any violence against women)
http://www.unwomen.org/~/media/headquarters/attachments/sections/library/publications/2015/cyber_violence_gender%20report.pdf (relevance, report to UN that advocated for the direct censorship of games)
Fire Emblem Fate and the many Japanese games that have any remotely "sexual" content removed.
And last but not least the frequent potrayal of gamers as people to be bullied or harassed for being violent gross misogynists. Aka "bring back bullying".
@Women in stem
"Contrary to prevailing assumptions, men and women faculty members from all four fields preferred female applicants 2:1 over identically qualified males with matching lifestyles (single, married, divorced), with the exception of male economists, who showed no gender preference." – http://www.pnas.org/content/112/17/5360.abstract
"In 2010-11, there were more female (55%) than male fulltime undergraduates (45%) enrolled at university – a trend which shows no sign of shrinking"
"This meant that last autumn women were a third more likely to start a degree than their male counterparts, despite the fact that there are actually more young men than women in the UK."
"but those most dominated by women include veterinary science and subjects allied to medicine and education. Men outnumber women on computer science and engineering and technology, according the number of students graduating last year."- http://www.theguardian.com/education/datablog/2013/jan/29/how-many-men-and-women-are-studying-at-my-university
Thus we can reliably conclude that women not only make more degrees (and historically they've been doing this for years) and while they don't own engineering and computer science, they completely dominate major STEM fields like medicine. Roll a dice six times, if you don't get a complete even spread of numbers then its either sexism or the realities of how random distribution works.
@attacking people for being neutral
Anti-GG member immediately tells journalist that he is lucky that he didn't post his username to enable harassment for being neutral. That counts as mercy for anti-GG
The above is how Anti-GG treats charities that have no stake in the scandal.
Their treatment of Notch and total biscuit both of whom have repeatedly made clear they are neutral in this matter. We need only see how Gamerghazi treats TB as a serial harasser because journalism said so
@Examples of mainstream media outright lying
Ah… yeah. You need help with this? TB a serial harasser?
Gamergate sent bomb threats?
Any of the literally who's being actual danger?
Games causing sexism?
You need help here!?