Why should anyone be allowed to punch me without any repercussion, no matter their strength level?
I don't think I ever said that. I said that you're not likely to be endangered. I'd bet money that you can take most of the women you've come across in a fight, and at the very least defense yourself properly. And if that is the case, then it's likely that they couldn't take you or even defend themselves against you. That's why I don't worry about most men who are abused. They are physically abused, but they aren't in real danger for the most part.
Why am I obligated to allow myself to be bullied and beaten just because women are stereotypically seen as “weak” or “helpless”?
You're not. You leave the situation or relationship. And despite being "beaten" (or as much as you can be beaten by a woman if you don't stop her) and despite the true stereotype of the general trend of physical strength differences between the sexes, you're obligated in the same sense that you can't haul off and beat your child down.
Your child is obviously not capable of injuring you. You can defend yourself without throwing haymakers. You can just hold them and wrestle them to the ground until they've calmed down. At which point, you leave the situation once the person realizes that they cannot harm you.
If a person is unable to defend themselves or handle themselves in a physical confrontation, it is their responsibility to avoid physical confrontation. If a person is too weak to take a hit, they shouldn’t start a fight in the first place.
I'll grant you that as life experience. But if you turn around and tell the judge that you laid a woman out because she started a fight when she wasn't capable of actually harming you, you'd go to jail for a long time in the same sense a person with a black belt in a martial art goes to jail for a long time for using his decidedly different level of skill and athleticism against someone who isn't as capable. Logic goes beyond "If something is done to me, then I can do it to them."
And I'll reiterate that I'm not excusing women. They should be prosecuted for assault or whatever. But I am saying that no man should haul off and knock a woman out if someone decidedly weaker attacks them.
If anyone feels like attacking me, man or woman, I have every right to defend myself.
Yes, you have every right to defend yourself from harm. But there's no reason to whip out a tank against a BB gun.
That is to say that there's no reason to punch a woman if restraining her will suffice.
Now if you're dealing with anyone you need to use your full strength against to defend yourself, then do so. Protect your life and physical well-being. But for the mass majority of women who attack men in brief fits of anger, you shouldn't have to go all out.
As grown, responsible adults, women have the same obligation as men to not be total pricks to other people, and if they don’t feel like doing this, I have absolutely no sympathy for them. Nobody of any size, shape, or genital configuration has any right to abuse me or anyone else.
Again, I never said that women have the right to act differently or to get away with assaulting another person.
I am saying that you can't defend yourself against someone decidedly weaker than you in a way that is likely to harm them if you aren't in danger yourself.
Does that make sense? Yes or no?
Now I can work with Spider-byte here and concede or clarify some points.
But even if you are the strongest and toughest man in the world, you can be harmed. Sure a lot of the time the man can prevent the woman from harming because it’s likely he’s stronger. But anyone can cause a lot of damage to anyone else. Think about it, if you are in a situation where you must fight, you will do your best to harm your opponent and imagine the things you could do to physically harm someone.
Agreed for the first bit.
You'll have to weight when you may have to knock someone out. It may be because you're a smaller or physically weaker male. It may be because the woman is simply a natural born fighter. It may be because she has a weapon. It may be because she's a very strong and very angry person.
What I'm saying though is that most cases where a woman attacks a man aren't cases where the man is in danger.
The gif I spoiled is a simple instance where a man (Ray Rice) simply slapped his then fiancee. Prior to this, the woman spat on and I believe hit Ray Rice in the chest. The woman should have faced some punishment, and I don't think she did. I would not have felt bad if she did.
But I'm not really worried about the fact that she did though, because Rice was strong enough to simply slap the wife with enough force to knock her into the elevator wall and knock her out.
In terms of the dynamics of most forms of domestic violence, the man is decidedly stronger than the woman.
As I said before, this isn't always the case. The woman may have a clear upper hand or is on par with the man for whatever reason. In these cases, the man should defend himself to the best of his ability. If it requires more violent means, then so be it.
But given the tendency (strong tendency, mind you) of relationships to have a much smaller, weaker woman dating or being married to a much larger, stronger man, I don't think you'll find that very often. So for the most part, I am not concerned about the well-being of the man. But I am for the woman, especially if men think they have the right to counter with as much force as they want to end the confrontation (not all men do, but the person to whom I made the previous counter seems to imply that should be the case. I'm sure he's not alone.)
Sure when it comes down to a fight, the man may just be better, but this isn’t a fight we’re talking about. We’re talking about someone who wants to harm another.
Granted. If a person has true ill-intent, then they'll wait until a person is asleep to really harm them.
However, if you're talking about abused and not something premeditated, then most situations of abuse come out of in-the-moment anger. And "abuse" can lead into something like murder or manslaughter, but if we say "abuse," we're thinking about something that's systematic and occurs on a regular basis for the most part.
I agree that physical abuse is the least likely, but it’s still entirely possible and women should take the same punishment as men. Just like a woman should not be afraid to speak up against an abusive male partner, the same goes for a man (who has a harder job because it would be difficult for people to believe he is being abused.)
I think women should take the same punishment as well. Although, the law does play different based on outcomes. For example, attempted murder does not get you the same punishment as murder. You could shoot someone in the head and they live, and you could hit a major artery in the leg and they die. Both will yield different prosecutions and punishments.
So legally (man or woman), what actually happens plays into how you can be punished.
And more to the point TripleA9000 was making, men are at a huge disadvantage after the fact.
- Men are socially discouraged from reporting abuse of any sort. You can and will be called all sorts of fun names, and people will consider you less of a man for it.
- Because of the unlikely nature of the man being harmed, women aren't as likely to even get more than a "Y'all stop that" from law enforcement at the scene.
That's not right, and that's not the way things should be. It can make things difficult for men when if/they decide to divorce. They need to have those incidents of abuse documented in order to get out the divorce with rights to their children,
Don't get me wrong. I'm aware that there is a double standard and that affects men, and it is also systemic. I'll talk about the causes of that though later.
But despite that frustration and that injustice (I will call men not getting a fair shake in divorce affairs "injustice,") I don't think it's a reason to harm another person if you don't need to.
P.S Claw can be used a verb, clawing at something doesn’t mean you have claws. And a lot of women have long nails.
Granted. I shouldn't play semantics in a debate.
I will say that fake nails aren't what you want to use to fight with though. If they're long and fake, then they're likely to be snap off (best case scenario), break (likely scenario), or bend back (worst case and likely scenario) before you're able to tear into flesh with them. I still expect the injuries to be more scratches than missing flesh.
Can't speak for the eyes. An eye gouge works, nails or not. I'll give you that. Although, I don't think most men leave altercations forever blinded. I figure it's scratches and bruises at worst in most cases.
If you're been in an actual brawl before either in sports (e.g., wrestling, linemen in football, etc.), then you know that you get tired very, very quickly (8-15 seconds) unless you're in stellar shape. And if a person is much "better" at fighting, then there's a very, very slim chance that it doesn't get ugly quick.