Tomberry wrote:
Stuff like “If you want gender equality you’re a feminist.”This contradicts your earlier quote:
The definition of feminism is “Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.”You assume that women may have equal advantages and disadvantages to men. That is simply not the case today, no matter what you think, no matter which paper you may hold contesting the pay gap, rape culture and everything else. Feminism IS gender equality. This doesn't mean the ideology wants to push an agenda on how there are no differences at all between genders. No, I don't think the least extremists of genderqueer pansexual furries with Hitler as a headmate would believe that. There are stereotypes associated with each gender and they are not wrong until someone else uses it to downgrade, shame and prevent someone from living or ascending the social/economical ladder.
That's what Feminism (not the extremist ones) fights against : Abuse of stereotypes on gender roles, issues on rape, abuse, slander and harassment based on one's gender. The thing is, I would be the first one to be glad that a campaign is made to include everyone on these issues, to show the world that Feminism does care about female and MALE issues as well, but a common upsetting answer is always that Feminism has to gain momentum step by step and focuses first on more glaring issues, thus female ones. They don't leave male issues behind, they just have to first deal with problems faced by a majority.
A majority of women gets harassed in the streets, a majority of women has to face stereotypes daily. Men, and I can be the first to attest of it and comment on it, also face stereotypes, sexist remarks and slander, but that doesn't invalidate anything.Obviously, though, I'm talking of the true feminists like myself. Those who go and protest with people in slutwalks, those who participate in events and who can still have a discussion about men issues.
I'm not talking about the most extremists of SJWs and Tumblr "Feminists". As TripleA said, the "No True Scottman" fallacy doesn't apply when trying to make a distinction between those whose actions are not helping the Feminism movement at all and seem to push an agenda of inequality towards men and/or women, and those who fight for the "right" causes.
In my perspective it's not. The term is just wrong (and quite frankly a disgusting sounding word. By working for the equality of both genders, you are not a feminist to me. To me if you fight against Abuse of stereotypes on gender roles, issues on rape, abuse, slander and harassment based on one’s gender, that doesn't make you a feminist but something else entirely. Something far better. A feminist to me would believe that if you somehow fix the issues for women, that makes both genders equal. Just because you focus on women's issues first doesn't make you a feminist to me, that means your tackling a feminist issue. Feminist means you work to tackle the issues of women, which is good, but that isn't overall equality. I'd rather not be called what I think is a grossly misused term such as that even if the desired outcome is the same. Logically I don't see how feminism came to mean what I think people mean. It's comprised of feminine, which is about women, yet the goal is equality between both sexes. Equal isn't the core part of the word itself. Fundamentally either the word is flawed, misused or illogical.