I thought BioShock Infinite had the best gameplay compared to the first two BioShock games.
Portal is better than Half-Life, though Portal 2 and Half-Life 2 are equally as awesome.
Microwave popcorn is gross.
GamerGate was a good idea at first, but the amount of bigotry surrounding it for the last six months from both sides has made me hate it. Just shut up, play your video games, and leave your feminism out of it.
On a related note, I also feel as though GamerGate is no longer relevant at this point, it just seems like I'm watching a bunch of kids fight over what the best Pokémon or Ninja Turtle is.
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire were actually pretty dissapointing.
I don't understand the appeal behind MLP.
Steven Universe is alright I guess, but it's quickly becoming the new SJW/Tumblrina fad because they all think the Gem characters are genderless and Tumblr eats that shit up like candy.
Sometimea I feel like a massive dissappointment to others when I can't do anything to impress them.
Game catridges are impractical.