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O Anonymous (ID: enarHD) 07/24/16(Sun)13:01:46 No.82533068 File: Untitled-1ipg (175 KB, 600x453) 82533216202533686


The Delegates, Donald is a photoshop meme based on a photograph of United States Senator Ted Cruz featuring a variety of internal monologue-style captions assertively demanding the Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to "hand over" the delegates he had secured during the 2016 Republican presidential primaries.


The original photograph of Senator Ted Cruz purposefully walking down the congressional hallway on his way to the Senate floor was taken by Washington D.C.-based photojournalist Bill Clark[1] on April 29th, 2014.

The earliest known mention of the conversational phrase "The Delegates, Donald," as in "Hand over the delegates, Donald Trump," can be found in the title of a 4chan thread[2] submitted to the /pol/ (politically incorrect) board on May 11th, 2016.

File: 14621 20905923.png (1.68 MB, 1440x2560) 。/CRUZI GENERAL: The Delegates, Donald Edition Anonymous (ID: K+4YZVJ)I 05/11/16(Wed)12:43:06 No.73702453 >>73702698 >>73702757 >>73702796 2273702892 >73703154 You cannot get to 1237 delegates, Donald. The second ballot is waiting for me. We CruzMissiles have the best memes Get over here Donald you sniveling coward Keep Heidi out of your mouth little man TRUMP BTFO!!!! >Delegates Truth Telling Ted & Courageous Carly: 546 Deceivin' Sniveling Coward: Who Cares Geez Oh Golly: Pancakes


On July 18th, 2016, an anonymous 4chan user submitted a thread titled "Donald, The delegates…" with the photograph of Ted Cruz to the /pol/[3] board. Since then, there have been dozens of similar threads with variations on the original meme started and archived on 4chan.[3]

Donald, Anonymous ID:jyytAnAN Mon 18 Jul 2016 18:35:07 No.81652202 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>81652919 >>81654064 > >81658423 >>81658845 >>81659112 >>81662123 >>81662476 The delegates... View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO IMG 1045.jpg, 86KiB, 1024x683 Anonymous ID:jyytAnAW Mon 18 Jul 2016 18:39:46 No.81652919璽 Quoted By: >81653164>>81658845 >>81652202 Donald, The delegates, hand the delegates over and we can all go home. Report 414KiB, 600x453, IMG_1044.png View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Anonymous ID:jyytAnAw Mon 18 Jul 2016 18:41:24 No.81653164 Quoted By: >>81653271 >>81658845 Report >81652919 You see, you never deserved them. NEVER View Same Google iqdb SauceNA0 IMG-1046.jpg, 210KiB, 3097x2323 Anonymous ID:jyyt An Aw Mon 18 Jul 2016 18:41:57 No.81653271 Quoted By: >>81658845 >>81653164 YOU DESERVE NOTHING Report View Same Google SauceNAO Anonymous ID:bWr3mgH6 Mon 18 Jul 2016 18:43:21 No.81653485 Dahnald... iqdb Rubio and Cruz team up.jpg, 97KiB,964x666 Report Anonymous ID:kfm2WKYA Mon 18 Jul 2016 18:45:51 No.81653859雪Report Quoted By: >>81654345 Is Cruz gonna steal the convention? Are we going to finally see a true Conservative movement? Google SauceNAO Anonymous ID:COkjfWK5 Mon 18 Jul 2016 18:47:20 No.81654064 Quoted By: >>81654554 View Same iqdb Ted-Cruz1-800x430.jpg, 52KiB, 800x430 Report

Various Examples

Anonymous (ID: AQmTJuh2 ) File: image png (201 KB, 381x500) 07/24/16(Sun)13:56:10 No. 82539634 You're not prepared to handle the consequences if I don't get my delegates, Dahnald.
O Anonymous (ID OME )国07/24/16(Sun)14:45:15 No.82545832 File: sheriff_ted_hat.jpg (37 KB, 436x429) This here nomination ain't big enough for the two of us. I warned ya' Now hand over those delegates real slow, or make yer' move.
O Anonymous (ID: iYLOTuk) [1 07/24/16(Sun)13:49:03 No.82538722 File: 1469284165692 jpg (46 KB, 465x498) >>82538805
O Anonymous (ID: cab9kZQc ) 07/24/16(Sun) 13:55:35 No.82539555 File: 1469332395809.png (456 KB, 600x453) >282539840 DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS DAHNALD
Anonymous (ID: EhoziHM5) 07/24/16(Sun)13:03:23 No.82533272、 File: 1469262395013.ipg (25 KB, 461x453) 82539840 There's 4 of me and only 1 of you. Now hand them over
Anonymous (ID: mLarouk) File: 1489283588398 07/24/16(Sun)13:42:32 No.82537934 (50 KB, 920x789) Lets just stop with this back-and-fourth donald Give me the delegates

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