A timeline of my opinions on GamerGate
2014: “Yeah I agree with you 100%! Its about time the game industry get fixed wjat with all the blatant nepotism and laziness within the people in the business. And this social justice and PC nature is just a front to hide from critism. Let’s take on these fuckers FOR THE VIDYA GAEMS!!!”
2015: “w00t! One year and we are totally owning those journalist and anit GG developers! Sure show them SJWs that they can’t bully us. Now its time for us to get serious and try to use the movement to convince developers of both Ondie and AAA to put more effort in making a good game. Seriously Early Access and DLC are starting to get out of hand; so if we can convince high profile journalist to take reviewing seriously, maybe the same can be said for game companies.”
2016 (First Half): “Yes yes that SJW is cringe and clearly knows nothing in regards to the game, but should we be focus making developers like Bethesda, Ubisoft or EA create polished games than bitch about Tracer’s pose being changed after somebody complained? Its not the best use of our campaign and make us seem like reactionaries.”
2016 (Second Half): “. . . Guys. What the fuck? We spent a good year convincing the public we are not a bunch of close minded assholes running a hate campaign bent on ostracizing specific groups of people. Why are we claiming responsibility for getting Trump into office, the guy who personified the strawman we are combating against? And please don’t say “To Trigger the SJWs”. That just makes us look petty”.
2017: “Look, guys. We had something good going with GG. It was the biggest cultural shift in our generation and a wake up call in how we approach the medium. But as it moved along it start becoming a circlejerk dedicated to mocking SJWs and not actually making an impact for meaningful change in the industry. It got so bad that now there’s a comic book related spin off that is dedicated to eliminating “forced diversity” and “diversity hires” that has been ruining comics. The fuck they mean by that? Its too abstract if you think about it. Well at least it ain’t an Animegate, cause that would be PURE cringe right there.”
2018: Well games are getting worse with these microteansaction being a default features in a lot of modern games. Its an actually shady as fuck business practice that needs to be addressed more and stump once and for all. What does GG focus? Get woke, go broke . . . fuck this movement.”
2019: “And now there’s an Animegate. A controversy that seems to only focused on the dumbfuck things Funimation is doing and not the business at large. Oh god the cringe is real with this one. Its actually quite saddening as this all comes back to Gammergate; a movement I was passionately behind because of it wanting positive change to the medium we all enjoyed, now regress to being an echo chamber dedicated to mocking the “esjaydubyas” and “libtards” for “ruining” the industry. I feel ashamed for giving them such momentum and wished it move passed its intial anti SJW stance.”