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Welp that's the death of Pixiv too, I guess.

Last posted Dec 06, 2022 at 08:29PM EST. Added Nov 20, 2022 at 01:09AM EST
13 posts from 10 users

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Honestly, Pixiv was the latest website for artists I would have seen to apply any forms of censoring (outside of japanese censoring law), but I guess I was wrong.

here are their official post :

here is what is going to be banned :
・Sexual exploitation of a minor
・Rape (or any other non-consensual sexual behavior)
・Non-consensual mutilation of a person or body part 
yes, that's most of pixiv's content right now they are banning in 15th december

the ban is due to mastercard (once again).

It seems like pixiv is gonna become the new tumblr / deviantart.
I think some artists already left the platform completely.

even if it doesn't directly ban porn, the new rules are gonna throw out pretty much 90% of the content of their own website.
and counting that pixiv also allow ai generated content, even if there's an option to hide such content that people probably don't know (but it actually doesn't work that well anyway), the website is gonna soon be the new deviantart, but probably even worse (because mostly limited to japanese style arts).

this sounds like the end of an era for everything adult content related.

Last edited Nov 20, 2022 at 01:21AM EST

Relax (for now) these changes are only for transactions (FANBOX, BOOTH, Requests), regular loli stuff on pixiv is still safe (yet).
however if an artist is smart they can still post their loli stuff on FANBOX if they know how to do it sneakily(base64, passworded rars,etc), just like how some artist post uncensored works on FANBOX

Isn't that for the "transactional" side of the site only? As in, Booth, Fanbox, and Requests; commissioned pieces will be banned from having the aforementioned content, but artwork that is created and posted by artists directly on the site without monetary transactions are exempt from any sort of content filter.

So as long as artists won't be paid on the platform to create banned content, they'll still be free to post whatever.

John Doe wrote:

Relax (for now) these changes are only for transactions (FANBOX, BOOTH, Requests), regular loli stuff on pixiv is still safe (yet).
however if an artist is smart they can still post their loli stuff on FANBOX if they know how to do it sneakily(base64, passworded rars,etc), just like how some artist post uncensored works on FANBOX

even if that's only for transactions, this is going to hit a lot of artists hard.

outside of banning loli/shota stuff to make money out of it, who could be seen as a good thing by some people (I ain't gonna launch the debate here), but banning stuff like "rape" when it's just fiction is ridiculous and will hit a lot of artists.
the rape fetish is a fetish that is really liked, even outside of the "otaku community".
also is bondage considered as rape ? it could be.
that kind of stuff is the most likely style of art that generates money for adult content artists.

banning bestiality means that 100% of the hentai furry artists (like dagasi) won't be able to make any money on pixiv anymore, or hardly, because furry is considered as bestiality by most people (again, that's another debate)

banning anything violence related means that guro artists also can't make money with guro art anymore, or will be restricted to what kind of guro pictures they can make for money.

even if you can still freely post whatever you want as long as you don't make money, artists tend to post things that they're gonna be able to make money out of it.

" just like how some artist post uncensored works on FANBOX"
you can definitively be banned for that. I heard mutliple artists that stopped doing that because they received a warning from Pixiv about it.

Last edited Nov 20, 2022 at 02:14AM EST

>reads title
oh here we go again no more porn
>sees what was banned
also pretty sure furry isn't actually considered bestiality by the mainstream because it's allowed on sites when bestiality is banned

Last edited Nov 20, 2022 at 09:09AM EST

So wait, this isn't a carpet ban on pornographic content a la tumblr? It's just the sites fanbox being affected, and applies to some specific tags at that?

Perhaps I'm being ignorant and missing something here, but most artists on pixiv I've seen also monetise their artwork through other mediums alongside the fanbox in case one fails. This hardly seems like the end of anything.

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Kenetic Kups wrote:

>reads title
oh here we go again no more porn
>sees what was banned
also pretty sure furry isn't actually considered bestiality by the mainstream because it's allowed on sites when bestiality is banned

The balanced karma for your post is shocking. Maybe some people here need to consider a psychiatric evaluation.

Carrie Enright wrote:

The balanced karma for your post is shocking. Maybe some people here need to consider a psychiatric evaluation.

You can say that about most of the internet really lets be honest

Important context not mentioned here:

They are doing this specifically because some users flooded the site with photorealistic AI-generated "loli" porn under that same tag which, even by most countries' written laws, could be considered "CSEM" (Child sexual exploitation material) if they are deemed indistinguishable enough from real photos. Naturally, the credit card companies panicked and then released this revised TOS as a result.

Notice how they do not specify either art or any specific tag or genre on their wording. People are still not sure if this will affect 2D artists or not – they only know that the free side of Pixiv will remain untouched and this is only for their paid services.

Nobody knows just how "by the letter" the TOS will be, but for what is worth, their censorship rules are rather lenient. As per Japan's law, Pixiv users are required to censor genitalia to some degree, for which they have step by step guides on how to do. Nonetheless, a lot of artists bypass those requirements by simply uploading a cropped image as the first one and the full ones next – turns out their detection system is very surface-level and, naturally, no users care about reporting uncensored hentai themselves.

Realistically speaking, even on the worse case scenario, not much would change in the way people use Pixiv right now except for some very niche artists who were already dancing at the edge of their ToS even before this change.

They are doing this specifically because some users flooded the site with photorealistic AI-generated "loli" porn under that same tag which, even by most countries' written laws, could be considered "CSEM" (Child sexual exploitation material) if they are deemed indistinguishable enough from real photos. Naturally, the credit card companies panicked and then released this revised TOS as a result.

The future is fucking wild man, like imagine going back to the 00s and telling them the words "photorealistic AI-generated "loli" porn" they would be like "What the FUCK?!"

Nedhitis wrote:

Important context not mentioned here:

They are doing this specifically because some users flooded the site with photorealistic AI-generated "loli" porn under that same tag which, even by most countries' written laws, could be considered "CSEM" (Child sexual exploitation material) if they are deemed indistinguishable enough from real photos. Naturally, the credit card companies panicked and then released this revised TOS as a result.

Notice how they do not specify either art or any specific tag or genre on their wording. People are still not sure if this will affect 2D artists or not – they only know that the free side of Pixiv will remain untouched and this is only for their paid services.

Nobody knows just how "by the letter" the TOS will be, but for what is worth, their censorship rules are rather lenient. As per Japan's law, Pixiv users are required to censor genitalia to some degree, for which they have step by step guides on how to do. Nonetheless, a lot of artists bypass those requirements by simply uploading a cropped image as the first one and the full ones next – turns out their detection system is very surface-level and, naturally, no users care about reporting uncensored hentai themselves.

Realistically speaking, even on the worse case scenario, not much would change in the way people use Pixiv right now except for some very niche artists who were already dancing at the edge of their ToS even before this change.

Yeah this is pretty much what happened or at least sounds like it when reading some of their tweets. Some of them are blaming some Chinese user too it seems.

I'm guessing "country C" means China?

One thing i'm also wondering is the fact that they already had those rules there before, right? No CP, bestiality etc. They were all already highly forbidden like they obviously should be. Why would they need to suddenly announce that they are banned again or revisit TOS?

So while we currently don't know if this is going to affect both or only the other one is unclear and we just have to wait for December, there is a reason to be worried and how much power these payment processors is even more worrying.

Last edited Nov 22, 2022 at 10:34AM EST

The problem isn't Pixiv, the problem is payment processors and incompetent regulators. The change only affects fanbox for now but the days of being able to upload some art without it being combed by some algorithm which determines how morally correct it is are over, and said algorithms will be overly sensitive resulting in people trying to "play the game" being eventually demoralized while people still find a way to get illegal content through anyways.

We've seen it with YouTube, and then Tumblr, and now every other site will be forced to do the same thing.


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