Whenever people oppose memes becoming "mainstream," all I can think about is kids refusing to share their toys. I still don't understand why people say that normies kill memes: making something more prevalent doesn't kill it.
A while back, I made a post on Reddit covering this same issue
One person replied to that post attempting to justify the anti-normie attitude, but I find his justification to be weak, simply because I find it a bit selfish that you're willing to ostracise all normies just because they supposedly overuse memes.
When I heard about the Meme Compass, I took the test, and was labelled a normie just for disagreeing with the hive mind of the meme community. (Full thoughts on the test here)
In particular, I don't have a problem with corporations, schools and public officials using memes to appeal to teenagers, because they should be commended for attempting to modernise instead of saying something among the lines of "Back in my day, we didn't have memes! Get off my lawn!" Also, if old memes are dead, then using that logic, retro games and movies are no longer relevant today.
As someone who doesn't have much in common with my IRL "friends," I would gladly welcome more "normie" usage of memes. I've been told that the reason I have trouble making friends IRL is because we're too different. But once my IRL friends started singing All Star, I found something that we shared, and I got an opportunity to sing All Star without people thinking I'm too weird.
Here's an example of what normies can achieve:
Yes, it uses the impact font. Yes, it's a PPAP parody. But these qualities don't neccesarily make it a bad meme just because some people don't like it.
What really spurred me to make this post is an old Reddit post that I randomly stumbled across
The people commenting on the post are literally calling for normies to die. I also hate how the post and its comments are another iteration of the attitudes "Everything I don't like is cancer!" and "Stop liking things I don't like!"
How would you define a normie meme anyway? Are you just talking about old memes, or are you talking about memes that you don't like? Why does every meme have to be "dank?" (still find that term to be arbitrary and subjective)
One last thing: A "normie" is just someone who isn't experienced with memes. Every "dank" memer has to start somewhere. Ergo, every dank memer was a normie at some point in their lives.