Another day, another batch of fresh upload of memes. Gee, I wonder what they will be. Tada! Straight from both right and left side oven, shitty political memes. This time, very easy recipe. Take picture, knead them neatly with photoshop or mspaint, add caption to invite vicious mockery from the community which shares your idpol stance to incite more heat, then spread it on reddit like a jam, and win upboats and reddit gold.
You know, memes used to be funny. Actors do something funny intentional or not, okay we can all laugh with that together even with the actors themselves. It is a lulz. Now we get shit like taking pictures of people on right or left side, caption it shittily and spread it, spread the hate for the (side) here. Looking at NOT ANOTHER DRUMPF MEME hatefully
I am starting to think Putin had the right of it when he starts banning memes. It overflows into cyberbully territory especially when it came to sigh motherplowing idpol.
Inb4 Clownfish you Nazi white knight sympathiser go eat dick and get banned hooray. I do not like Jigglypuff, Big Red, Carl Cuck/AIDS Skrillex either. And not just idpol related, sometime streisand effect is a bitch. Some people do not like memes of themselves whether good or bad on the internet everywhere and PLEADED for it to stop. The result? MORE MEMES xXxMLGxXxEPICREMIXGIGAZOR9000, "Lol its just a meme bro, its internet, why seriouslu", "EMBRACE THE MEME, MEME FOR MEME GOD DON LOL", etc.
This has to stop. And to the KnowYourMeme staff as well, please take my opinion into consideration, no matter what decision or inaction you may take upon it. I just want my voice to be heard so this bedlam can stop.