Oh boy, here we go for something you never heard about. The big 1 million dollar question ! Does it include our famous Meme Man ? Yes it does, why wouldn't it ? He is afterall the terrific nightmare coming true for some, and for others the proof, with the Brexit, that a new conservative/extremsim wave is coming. But couldn't it also be just a revelation on people's thoughts about political correctness, globalization, and generally against a corrupted government doing what seem to be nothing ?
Well I guess I kinda wanna hear your thoughts on that topic, as well as your analysis on the situation. Warning, we're not here to bash on Trump/Brexit supporters, nor accuse these 2 things of fucking the world up, as it would only end in an endless bloodshed. We're here to try to understand the situation and if and how it is affecting the world.
So here's my 2 cents on the situation, from my perspective. I feel that these 2 events did both showed a general annoyance for political correctness and all that stuff, creating a more conservative wave lead by the Brexit and Donald Trump. From what I'm seeing so far in France, and to a lesser extent Europe, we're experiencing a situation where the more conservative right (lead by François Fillion) is gaining more power, while the left is struggling and is in complete discord. This however doesn't mean that this movement is extremist, as althought France is seeing a resurgence of the extreme right (with Marine Le Pen), it is still struggling to move on from its "nazi" conotation. If anything, an opposite extreme is gaining a lot more power through minorities, the extreme left (with Jean-Luc Mélanchon). So while the movement provoked by the Brexit and the populism of Trump did affect France, its effects are for me limited.
So what do you think ? I really wanna know your perspective on this, even if the media covered a lot about it already.