Cheezburger page for this ridiculous situation
Genius and/or mad man Paul Stenson, owner of The White Moose Cafe in Dublin, just started a fight with Vegans on Facebook. And he's winning.
Stenson posted an obvious joke about vegans with their picky dietary requirements on his restaurant's Facebook page.
Vegans pushed back. But he pushed back HARD.
Here's how it all went down. Prepare for butthurt in 3..2..1…
So first of all Cheez feigns neutrality before coming down firmly on the side of the cafe. But that's the least of it.
Reviewer who's never actually been to cafe in question appears to confuse "idiosyncratic" and "idiotic" and furthers own persecution bias by assuming that this is a personal attack. Responds toxically by implying mob revenge with the statement: "You have no idea what you've started here."
Owner responds with fair points about being on the receiving end of undeserved attacks, but makes the key blunder of going "seemingly every vegan who exists" and then accuses them of "over-entitlement that every vegan seems to have". Massive generalisation causes further rage amongst the vegan crowd, stirring up the shitstorm to yet greater heights.
Owner bans all vegans, which he later claims to be in jest, but seems a bit of a stretch as that would imply he thought that continuing down this path made any kind of business sense.
He alleges to have received death threats, a claim which I'm prepared to believe at this point, judging by the harshness of his critics. He is then backed up by loads of supporters, which I applaud. However, many of them promptly lump the vegans in with the whole so-called "social justice" crowd and continue to demonise a lifestyle in entirety as consisting solely of nutters.
The cafe's ratings actually went up as a result and more power to the guy for telling the consumer what they should expect from the service. However I cannot entirely approve of the means or method. At what point will people learn to back away from the keyboard and take a deep breath? At what point will people go "should I really post this? Does it help anyone or does it only deepen the hate?"
Ultimately this just became two opposed circlejerks. I feel that although the guy got his cafe's rep up and managed to earn the respect of people who like that he straight said what he was thinking, he's potentially lost some clientele as well and even as a non-vegan, I don't feel I would eat there for fears of inconveniencing the staff with strange requests that they might take against.
I also appreciate that the snowflakey "why does nothing on this menu allow for my super-specific diet?" is fallacy and a reinforcement of the idea that every service must cater exclusively to the self. I agree that there is a contingent of self-entitlement. But no-one really said anything meaningful or practical during this whole mob war, as far as I can find.
What are everyone's feelings on this; is it right to respond to hate with further vitriol and flaming? Is it a solution or does it only beget more distrust and misunderstanding of ppl with opposing viewpoints?