Hello everyone :) This is my first thread on SB
With the advent of medicine and other marvels of modern day science and engineering (are those the same?) The global population has risen exponettially and continues to rise at an accelerating rate.
We know the planet has limited resources that are depleting as more people are born. It has become apparent that we may eventually (if we havnt already have) OVERpopulate the planet :(
ie beyond the available resources needed to support the human race :(
Also with pollution which I think is connected with overpopulation, the world may never fully recover for other creatures :(
It is for this reason, that we must disscus ways of curbing the ptoblems of overpopulation before it is to late (if it isnt already) personally i lean towards a form of population management on a global scale ( alas this idea is currently infeassible given the complexity of politics, culture, and economics )…….:(
What are your thoughts (if you have any:) ) on stopping this possible catastophy should I be right
Dont be afraid to share ANY of your ideas no matter how strange, brilliant or inhumane they may sound to some <3