If anything Gamergate and MRA's are proof that thats not the case. And okay, lets say for a minute that the MRM and GamerGate have no political leanings in of themselves. A lot of things i hear from conservatives seems to be how pissed they are at Obama, or liberals 'ruining' the country.
Forums / Discussion / Serious Debate
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Why do so many people think outrage culture is limited to the left?
Last posted
Aug 20, 2015 at 07:38PM EDT.
Aug 15, 2015 at 08:43PM EDT
18 posts
17 users
Cindy Kallist
Have you checked out BestOfOutrageCulture on Reddit? At least 80% of the sources are ranting Gators.
It definitely isn't but on the internet, you're likely to find the leftist SJWs than the rightist conspiracy nuts. Extremists on both ends are shit, but when you find people protesting over mundane crap today, it's likely from the far left. Such as a recent controversy over progressives eating each other about a gay pride parade going through a Muslim neighborhood.
Nah emperor k I feel like it's more your perspective to see the left being more reactionary. Like whatever your social views are make you more prone to noticing leftist complaining than right. Hell you could see a lot of right wing complaining and agree or think nothing of it. It's basically perspective in the end. The fact that you feel left complainers are more common is totally fine as long as you admit they're not the only ones, which you did.
Personally though I see people complaining about the extreme left more than the left actually complaining. For example I hardly ever see or even meet actual people who woukd fit the bill as an sjw. The only time I see them mostly is just from people reposting the left stuff complaining about it. But as I said this could be just me and my left views not seeing very obvious liberal reactionaries or just agreeing with them. It's basically a game and not something I'd try to argue of which there's more. But triple brought up a good point that anyone can be reactionary.
It's not, and not many people think it does. But when such outrage comes from the fundamentalist right-wing, the default reaction of the vast majority of people on the internet (and pretty close to that IRL) is to just point and laugh. In fact, legitimate criticisms from groups like those mentioned in the OP will baselessly get lumped in with them and written off in that way.
Kanye Icecold
People who think" outrage culture" is limited to the left probably consider enforcing "traditional Christian morality" and "family values" to be reasonable opinions held by honest people. Outrage culture basically came from the right who were concerned about the loss of traditional social hierarchies (originally the monarchy in France but it later shifted to businessmen through this is more part of the economic dimension then social.) and the supposed corruption of youth moral.
Its only with the rise of PC (which is overally quite good unless you like people using ethnic slurs in the workplace) that the left has any sort of significant "outrage culture".
Kanye Icecold wrote:
People who think" outrage culture" is limited to the left probably consider enforcing "traditional Christian morality" and "family values" to be reasonable opinions held by honest people. Outrage culture basically came from the right who were concerned about the loss of traditional social hierarchies (originally the monarchy in France but it later shifted to businessmen through this is more part of the economic dimension then social.) and the supposed corruption of youth moral.
Its only with the rise of PC (which is overally quite good unless you like people using ethnic slurs in the workplace) that the left has any sort of significant "outrage culture".
Dude, you new here? 'Cause you're woke as fuck, welcome to the family.
Black Graphic T
Kanye Icecold wrote:
People who think" outrage culture" is limited to the left probably consider enforcing "traditional Christian morality" and "family values" to be reasonable opinions held by honest people. Outrage culture basically came from the right who were concerned about the loss of traditional social hierarchies (originally the monarchy in France but it later shifted to businessmen through this is more part of the economic dimension then social.) and the supposed corruption of youth moral.
Its only with the rise of PC (which is overally quite good unless you like people using ethnic slurs in the workplace) that the left has any sort of significant "outrage culture".
To shamelessly steal and alter edit and quote from Slutty Sam above.
"…it’s more your perspective to see the right being more reactionary. Like whatever your social views are make you more prone to noticing right complaining than left. Hell you could see a lot of left wing complaining and agree or think nothing of it. It’s basically perspective in the end. The fact that you feel right complainers are more common is totally fine as long as you admit they’re not the only ones…."
Honestly, I feel many people on the left adopted the same tactics and thought process as the left, only adopting it for their own cause. You're more likely to see something championed to get banned over its nature to trigger then nature to be obscene. Or for art to get edited because it is in some way offensive to minorities then damaging to children, all while ignoring the later demographics actual reactions to said pieces.
You're entire post as well might as well claim Frankfurt Schools originated Outrage Culture, seeing as how its just as much a conspiracy theory throwing blame on those you politically disagree with by claiming their arguments come from long-defunct and archaic ideologies ((IE The French Monarchy)).
Outrage culture is everyone's problem, in my opinion. Because whether it's the 6% on the Far-Right or 6% on the Far-Left, The other 88% near the middle get denied whatever it is those two sides deem is Forbidden and Taboo to do.
I think people see the far-left as the only ones capable of outrage culture because right now, believe it or not, far-left politics are kinda dominant as the main source of stuff going wrong in entertainment.
It's partially also the fact that the internet has brought a bunch of people from around the world together, and a lot of people from around the world tend to have views that while to them are conservative, to others can be seen as Far-Left, or not far enough. Same with those who discover more conservative countries version of "Left" and think of them as Far-right.
But I digress. Back in the 80's and 90's, big stuff like Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Movies, Books, Television, etc, had their biggest covered controversies being that they might not promote Christianity or might be bad influences on children. The thought that violence was caused by media as a 100% solid 1-to-1 thing was believed to be real. And it led to these right-wing outragers to get their way through government and populist support.
In the 2000's though, the paradigm shift occurred where Christianity took a beating in its influence, and a lot of people who were growing up took up the cause of the left, to varying degrees. Why? Because it was counter culture to what was the popular and dominant opinion, conservative values. Just like conservative values arose as a result of the 70's passive and more left leaning majority in power, at least as far as america is concerned.
These folks grew up, and got into places of power and influence. They gained voices, and used those voices to champion what they saw as the correct and moral things to promote. Now the controversies that get attention aren't that D&D causes satanism and violence, but that D&D cause misogyny and racism. It's not that a book or a movie contains a scene that's obscene and promotes socialism, but that a book or a movie contains a scene that's offensive and promotes discrimination.
Popularity and a rise in power caused the paradigm to shift. But its not like it'll stay there forever. Eventually the rights going to come back into power when the current generation creates their counter-culture against them, and it'll crack down to try and get its own morality pressed on everyone else. Then it'll make its own counter-culture against itself, which will come to power and pressure its way back into play.
So on and So forth, rinse and repeat.
Do people think outrage culture is limited to the left? They're better at it for sure tho, don't support late term abortion? IT'S A WHITE PATRIARCHAL WAR ON WOMYN PICK UP YOUR ARMS FELLOW FEMALES!1!!11!
The conservatives who tend to be extreme also tend to be old and not very tech-savvy. Your grandpa isn't blogging about how the gays are ruining society, but tumblr is blogging about how everything is ruining everything.
Black Graphic T wrote:
Honestly, I feel many people on the left adopted the same tactics and thought process as the left, only adopting it for their own cause.
Typo aside, I think Nietzsche said it best:
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
It isn't, but the left holds much more sway at the moment.
Left-wing outrage has a much higher prevalence online, while right-wing outrage is more centered on "traditional" forms of media like TV, radio, or books. Thus, there's the perception online that left-wing outrage is dominant.
After Shock
HolyCrapItsBob wrote:
Black Graphic T wrote:
Honestly, I feel many people on the left adopted the same tactics and thought process as the left, only adopting it for their own cause.
Typo aside, I think Nietzsche said it best:
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
That quote is always appropriate to situations like this.
The left isn't the only source of outrage culture. In fact I'd say the right has a bigger history of it between the backlash to rock and roll, video games (Jack Thompson-era, not gamergate), Comic Books and the usual satanism moral panics.
Historically speaking; the right are pros at outrage culture, but that may soon change. Regardless there will always be people on both sides with a fundamental(ist) axe to grind
I'm going to go with option C here and take the stance that the concept of "outrage culture" has devolved into yet another no, you contest, having been added to the long list of meaningless political buzzwords years ago.
The disenfranchised blue-collar Democrat has nothing to do with the college activist; likewise, the business director probably doesn't care for what Pat Robertson thinks. The broad-as-hell word "culture" combined with sweeping labels such as "left" or "right" makes the whole thing an intellectually lazy argument to evoke. American politics already has a problem with its relentless tribal warfare.
Besides, like I said, it's too convoluted to be of any use. Rush Limbaugh ranting about the hot button issue of the month could be considered "right-wing outrage" by some, but that's matched by the oftentimes obsessive campaigns by his opponents to take him off air. On the other hand, the social justice crowd is often denigrated as a perpetual source of outrage, yet the backlash against it never fails to be hyperbolic -- Cindy brought up a good point with /r/BestOfOutrageCulture; check out some of their posts, such as GamerGate is basically our version of Vietnam. And don't forget opponents of colleges veering into anti-intellectual territory in their rush to accuse all professors of being Marxists indoctrinating legions of unsuspecting young people despite evidence to the contrary (quoth the Reagan, "[Berkeley is] a haven for communist sympathisers" in response to anti-war protests).
In essence, humans love to accuse each other of outage gratuitously, and respond to outrage accusations with more outrage accusations. The word has lost its meaning and usefulness in political discourse and we should try to do better than it, ja?
As much as I love reading through /r/BestOfOutrageCulture, do they really have to be so arrogant and condescending in their comments though?
xTSGx wrote:
Left-wing outrage has a much higher prevalence online, while right-wing outrage is more centered on "traditional" forms of media like TV, radio, or books. Thus, there's the perception online that left-wing outrage is dominant.
It's more concentrated but it certainly exists online. There are the extreme forums, news website comment sections and, of course, your AEI-incubated online communities, but they definitely have less presence than progressives on social media.
Also I frequent BestIfOutrageCulture and pretty much no other sub.
🅱ank 🅱ill
I believe in the horseshoe effect
I hate how the far left AND the far right do this so much
but lets discuss your topic of choice here:
"Why do so many people think outrage culture is limited to the left?"
how many is "so many"?
did these people really explicitly state that "ONLY" the left does this?
are you sure you didn't mean "some people said this"?
are you sure you're not trying to put some people in a box?
🅱ank 🅱ill wrote:
I believe in the horseshoe effect
I hate how the far left AND the far right do this so much
but lets discuss your topic of choice here:
"Why do so many people think outrage culture is limited to the left?"
how many is "so many"?
did these people really explicitly state that "ONLY" the left does this?
are you sure you didn't mean "some people said this"?
are you sure you're not trying to put some people in a box?
Its based on my experiences i have with many right wingers, and particularly whenever i see people discuss tumblr. They make it sound like sjw's are the only ones who ever act on being offended or angry.