I'm gonna lay down some data and links, you respond with your interpretation of it all.
The following three graphs are from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.
(after a year of being unemployed you're no longer considered "unemployed" but "not in labor force" which is how they can say yaaay the economy is recovering unemployment is going back down Obama saved us all!)
{ The unemployment rate for foreign-born persons in the United States was 5.6 percent in 2014, down from 6.9 percent in 2013, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. }
BLS Data Show All Net Employment Growth Has Gone to Immigrants
{ Data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on its website (see Table A-7) show that all of the net gain in employment since 2007 has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal), also referred to as the foreign-born. Native employment has still not returned to pre-recession levels, while immigrant employment already exceeds pre-recession levels.
More recently, natives have done somewhat better. However, even with job growth in the last two years
(November 2012 to November 2014), 45 percent of employment growth has gone to immigrants, though
they comprise only 17 percent of the labor force. }
Disney Pads Record Profits by Replacing U.S. Workers with Cheaper H-1B Guestworkers
{ What motivates a company to replace its American workers with H-1B guestworkers? One word: Profit. H-1B guestworkers are cheaper than American workers and don’t have much bargaining power, and any company would be foolish not to take advantage of this highly lucrative business model that has been inadvertently created by Congress and multiple presidential administrations. Of course, this business model is paid for by destroying the livelihoods and dignity of tens of thousands of American workers. The costs are also borne by American taxpayers, through foregone tax revenue and the additional social services that need to be provided for those newly unemployed American workers.
When it comes to using the H-1B to cut costs, Disney is far from an isolated case. The Disney news comes on the heels of multiple reports of corporate layoffs with H-1B replacements, at Southern California Edison, the Fossil Group in Texas, Pfizer and Northeast Utilities in Connecticut, Harley Davidson in Milwaukee and Kansas, and Cargill in Minnesota. }
What do you think about what you've read,
and most importantly,
what do you think we can do to remedy this issue?