As a female Republican-Libertarian, I feel it is my duty to clear up a lot of what I see wrong with this debate.
1) The GOP doesn't have a singular point of view.
The GOP is divided very much into factions. You have your Libertarians like Ron Paul and Justin Amash who are typically very liberal on defense issues (bring all troops home), gay marriage (some even go as far to claim that marriage should be whatever the participants consent to it being) and abortion and drug policy (some even advocate total legislation of ALL drugs). They are generally seen as fiscally right and socially anarchist. You then have on the other side your Neo-Conservatives who are basically what you have described.
2) The GOP is "anti-gay".
Maybe for some factions of the Republican Party, but gay marriage is slowly becoming more and more accepted. Again, some (generally from the Libertarian faction) even advocate for any type of marriage anyone wants.
3) The GOP is "racist".
Ahh, if only I had a nickel. The GOP was founded principally on the ideas of anti-slavery. I just find it hard to believe that a party that was recently chaired by a black man (Michael Steele), once had a black man as a front-runner and currently has an Indian and a Hispanic (Piyush Jindal and Marco Rubio) as potential candidates is racist.
4) The GOP is made up mostly of the "1%"
This can be debunked easily. Republicans are generally poorer than Democrats. In-fact it is a common insult to refer to Republicans as poor trailer trash. Officially registered Republicans comes in at about 31 million. 1% of the US Population is 3 million. Even if every single top percenter was in the GOP they would only make up 10% of the party's membership.
5) The GOP doesn't represent the "99%"
Republicans are on average poorer than Democrats (although not by much). Most believe in private charities, which are on average far more effective than government-based charities dollar by dollar. Why are they so skeptical of government charity? Because in 2020 the government will face $100.2 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Really makes the whole 17 trillion in debt seem tiny in comparison.
As this is a somewhat informal board, I have not included sources. Please do not believe me and please research the topics yourselves. Also, do not look at left-leaning websites for information on those on the right and vice versa. It is their job to make the oppositions' agenda look as nefarious as possible.