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Rip Nawaf Ibn Boom Jihad Ibn Bin Jihad Al-Queda Bomb Ibn Boom Bin IBM PC Oil Rich Sheik Haram Boom Killinfidel

Last posted Apr 27, 2015 at 07:03AM EDT. Added Apr 24, 2015 at 02:41PM EDT
5 posts from 4 users

Nawaf Ibn Boom Jihad Ibn Bin Jihad Al-Queda Bomb Ibn Boom Bin IBM PC Oil Sheik Haram Boom Killinfindel died in his home in Stockholm yesterday from an ISIS terrorist attack.Born in Dubai.He went to Iraq to fight with the insugrents against the Americans in his 20's.In his first battle he was shot straight in the stomach with a M16.And layed down on the floor to a slow and painful death.But then a magical African voodo magician brought him back as a skeleton.And told him,that he had to kill 100 children by ripping their skin off and putting them on his body,to gain his skin back.So Nawaf started hunting down children,killing them in cold blood.After killing 100 children in a 10 year period,he regained his skin.And he thought he returned back to his old life.So he came back to UAE and started his life anew as a Oil Sheik and got a willing wife.Nawaf was living happily till the year 2014 in Qatar,when his wife gave birth to a demon baby.Who set the whole house on fire killing everyone except Nawaf and himself.And the Demon Baby grew large.And Nawaf turned into a demon-human hybrid.And started fighting the demon.The fight was long and brutal one.With many innocent casualties on the side.He finished the fight by ripping his wings off and stabbing the demon with both of them.Killing the demon.He went back to normal.But the damage was there so much.Then he moved to Sweden.And lived there till today,when ISIS attacked.Killing him.

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Last edited Apr 24, 2015 at 02:45PM EDT

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