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favorite themes general.

Last posted Apr 04, 2015 at 05:06PM EDT. Added Apr 03, 2015 at 11:35AM EDT
15 posts from 13 users

lets post our favorite themes and soundtacks from movies and video games!

here's one of my favorite: X-men cartoon:

Tanananana nana Tanananana nane tunananana TANANA UEEEEI Tenennenene Nene Tenenennne Nene Tenenenne nene TENENE NUAIA.

TEH tedetedetedetedetedetedededetedetedetedeteet TADIRADA tnanana NANA NUA NA NA!

what's your favorite?

guys, this is really not funny!

what's up with the nazi jokes?? they are are too overused and old!

what about communists? they also hated jews.
or what about radical islmaists? or crusaders?? why only nazis!?

stop spreading naziphobias you cis white pigs!


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