My brothers and sisters, we live in times of great fear and anguish. Our reserves of Glorious Shitposting are at dangerous lows never seen before in the history of man. Originality in non-originality oft seems to have vanished from our eyes, minds and hearts.
But lo, I am here to deliver upon all of you the Good News which shall fill you with the spirit of joy! For on this day, which surely shall preside upon it a High Feast from now until the end of days, a Great Man and Holy Being from an ancient past, long since presumed gone forever, has returned! And his supreme command upon the world of bizarre, meaningless nonsense leaves me no doubt that he, like a shepherd tending his flock, will lead Riff-Raff through the Valley of the Shadow of Death to the Promised Land!
Rejoice, rejoice, Emanuel…
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