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Mods are asleep: post intelligent conversation!

Last posted Jul 27, 2014 at 01:33AM EDT. Added Jul 26, 2014 at 01:25AM EDT
28 posts from 25 users

KYM mods are actually hyper-advanced robots with realistic, human-like AI. Any and all history and facets of their life they may present are actually fabrications. WAKE UP SHEEPLE, before the KYM secret police get y--- [MESSAGE TERMINATED]

Listen, intelligent conversation is officially banned under riff raff rules and regulations. I'm going to start having to issue suspensions to anyone who can't follow these simple rules. You don't want this wannabe forum mod to start getting serious again.


What you just made there was a coherent, intelligible and grammatically correct post. Therefore I can conclude that you have in fact made an intelligent post. You are hereby issued one warning for making an intelligent post on this thread where rules clearly state that intelligent posts are prohibited. Any further intelligent posting and you will receive a 1 year suspension.

And so you don't try and call me out either: pizze is a vehegatable i know cuz congress said so and conregss never lies :PPPPPP ptbbbbbbb in you face

You know what I just realised, the KYM mods are actually reptilians. They are trying to identify the intelligent users and dumb them. Beware!




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