Pretty much all of these.
Maybe to add more to it from what I seen on Youtube: I've seen Wojak being used a few times in some Youtube videos though the context for one kind of video was focused on being pure meme and making a jab at cryptocurrency while the other was pretty much just being for Russian music (of which I can say was catchy for what it was worth as someone that doesn't know a bit of Russian). Only other use I seen Wojaks being used was as nothing more than thumbnail clickbait for channels that used text-to-speech readings of Reddit post. These wojaks pretty much could be used for compilations of reddit stories about terrible bosses and listening to gloomy sounding music.
The only possible positive a wojak meme could get in being popular is whatever original work or joke one could make such as the following: Doomguy Boomer on a lawn mower in hell, tradwife wojak and e-thot mommy being shipped together as an lgbt couple, Doomer thinking of an anime or dog while Doomer girl is a fat goth woman thinking of themselves as wojak's talking to each other.
Also since Freakenstein above me finds brainlet wojak to be creative and funny, I will say that I found the consoomer wojak of Movie Bob to be funny. I'll admit that wojak was pretty much made to denigrate Movie Bob but seeing how he acted on Twitter and being something of an ass, I found it to be a funny wojak since it was focused on a man that thinks Marvel cape films are a high grade form of cinema and not just some popcorn flick churned out by Disney.