Thanks Doc! (Ctrl-F for "Random Man")
Kudos belong to Smarzeek for bringing this to my attention.
However, Gamergate supporters would rush to assure their detractors that they don’t hate women. Why, their very mascot is a woman! How could they possibly be misogynists, they seem to ask, when their entire movement is represented by Vivian James, a cartoon character they created to espouse their viewpoints for them and whose appearance is partially based on a rape joke?[41] Where’s the misogyny in that, apart from everywhere?
[41] The stripes on Vivian James’s outfit are a reference to the 4chan “daily dose”
meme in which a gif of one Dragon Ball Z character raping another was posted so often that users who did so were banned. To continue the meme,
the colors green and purple are included as often as possible in other posts.
Random Man and Smarzeek, “Daily Dose/Piccolo Dick.”