Anime series Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya now involved in 25 year old problem concerning super-permutations when 4chan OP asked "which way is the most efficient way to watch every possible order of The Melancholy on Haruhi Suzumiya's 14 episodes?" Scientist/Mathematician Robin Houston found post and tweeted it to the community who also agreed that anon's proof is real. With this discovery, along with Greg Egan (sci-fi writer) breakthrough in finding the largest super-permutations, it will end the 2 decade hunt for the answer. It is currently being revised by Jay Pantone of Marquette University into a proper proof for others.
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Haruhi Suzumiya solves problem, science community now investing in anime.
Last posted
Oct 30, 2018 at 03:18AM EDT.
Oct 26, 2018 at 12:46AM EDT
7 posts
6 users
I won't be surprised if 4Chan would one day accidentally find cure for all diseases known to man just because they were arguing over who has the best waifu.
>tfw Anon wins the Fields Medal
For anyone curious, here's the original post. Who knows what other answers lie in seven year old archived 4chan threads.
xTSGx wrote:
>tfw Anon wins the Fields Medal
For anyone curious, here's the original post. Who knows what other answers lie in seven year old archived 4chan threads.
Who was casually browsing 2011 /sci/ threads and just found out about this now?
Is there a story behind why this has just come to light because the articles didn’t mention it.
Robin Houston said he found it while reading through Nathaniel Johnston blog, if your wandering how he found it tough tits because he forgot about it.
The stuff 4chan does is kind of crazy at times, almost scarily so…
Honestly I can't say I'm too surprised.
Someone thinking of the most complicated way to solve a mundane issue is not something I would put past anons on a message board specifically for the purpose of looking smart to a bunch of other weebs.