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I know it's a bot, cause it's downvoting people exactly every thirty seconds. I've been a admin on a forum, this is just speaking from personal experience but from what I've seen on other sites the reason why websites have that upvote/downvote thing is to pressure individuals they don't like to leave cause it's a passive aggressive way to tell someone "fuck you".
This is just a suggestion, but you should remove downvotes because speaking as someone that has moderated a site before the site I was on there were users that literally would stalk users they hate and downvote literally every single comment or such the person made rather than just tell the person upfront say to the person they have a problem with them. The most extreme case I've personally seen of this on the site I was on was one user literally went through the 35000 posts the user they hated ever made and downvoted every single post that user ever made.