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Guys, it's OK to say what you want to say and have a discussion.

Last posted Nov 23, 2017 at 10:36AM EST. Added Nov 22, 2017 at 10:45AM EST
8 posts from 7 users

Guys, it's OK to say what you want to say and have a discussion. It's not ok to type walls of text for the sole purpose of trying to change other people's opinions to be the same as yours.

It's ok to have a discussions about something, but it's childish af, or Fox News af, to say something only for it it be taken as pure fact that shouldn't have any response from anyone about anything whatsoever if it's in any way is different from what I said, and any response with a different narrative is meet with immediate backlash.

You like apples? Alright cool, try saying something like, "I like apples because they taste good and they're good for you."
Don't say, "In my own personal opinion and I know I'm going to get downvoted for saying this and I totally don't care if you do, apples are the best fruit out of any fruit if's a fact and you know it. This article about the Roman Catholics proves it 100%. Don't dispute what I wrote because I already proved it. Read a book, look it up. Not forcing my opinion on to anyone just teaching. My intention is to not have my way, this is just a friendly attempt to try and spread love <3."

See? Just say it. Plastering it with that this is "my scientifically proven opinion"
filler that's an attempt to discourage any counter argument in advance isn't going to to jack. There's going to be a counter argument no matter what. If you say "The sky is blue" or "Fish can swim" or "The earth is flat" someone is going to say "Zomg r u fuking stoopid for thinking that grtow a brain respact my oponion stop harrassing me" no matter how you phrase it.

Playing destiny is fun as hell but this shit ruins the ride.

And I know I know, you're thinking I'm probably referring to the… "Cute" is bunnies and calling them that is zoophobic" topic, although that would be a shining example of about 75% of all my internet discussion pet peeves (inducing this one), but I'm actually not.

So just say what the hell you want.

In my own personal opinion, which I'm not trying to force upon anyone, I believe it's ok to say what you want. I absolutely positively don't care if you disagree or downvote.

Unfortunately one of the greatest aspects of this forum is how people will autistically defend themselves against opposition by writing up a short novel on why they are correct.

I alredy say whatever I want and try to keep it simple since I'm not an awfully bright guy, but often times people will just think it's a joke for some reason.

Last edited Nov 22, 2017 at 01:48PM EST

Depends on where the topic is. If it is serious debate, then it is natural that ideas will clash until a resolution or compromise unfolds. If it is general, then take it easy unless it is an unusual circumstance.

I am not avert to a debate, but I agree that there is a place, time, occasion for it. Too many variables running around. So if it looks like a shitshow like a certain thread even in serious debate, just walk away.

I will just go back and shitpost in riff-raff or stop coming here for a while…

By all means type paragraphs on your opinion, link sources to back up your opinion, you can still do this without treading on another's opinion. There's nothing in the art of persuasion that says you must vilify participants.

The aim is slightly different when the topic is on verifying whether a scientific hypothesis/theory is substantiated, in which case the aim is to share knowledge and teach those who previously did not know about the topic. If the discussion was on whether earthquakes are caused by tectonic shift or the atlas turtle had a stomachache, you go into detail why and how it's because of tectonic shift, not say "FFS, it's tectonic shift fucking turtlespergs." and less 4chan versions of that.


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