In cooperation with several other KYM users, just about a year after beginning this, I present to you all the best open studies KYM has and probably ever will have on the userbase, entries, forums, images, and comments; as well as a brief history of KYM. We've put a lot of work into this, so I hope you all enjoy it.
First, I want to give credit to those who deserve it.
The heads of the project, in order of joining:
- Rivers. I came up with the original idea: a giant thread about numerous KYM stats. I collected some data and did most the writing for this thread.
- Muffinlicious. He collected data, did some programming, and helped with some of the ideas for this.
- Jack the Dipper. He made a huge amount of this possible. He came up with numerous ideas for various parts of it, and collected an extraordinary amount of data.
Various major contributors to the project:
- Gnairly – Helped with Entry Analysis and Comment Analysis.
- Taryn – Wrote the majority of the KYM history.
- 3kole5 – Helped with the KYM Forum Analysis and generally.
And some minor contributors:
- Asdfghjkl, Justnoway, Patriciantrainer, ShiJo, NeonWabbit, Space Cowboy, Spores – Provided logs for IRC stats.
- Oryaw – Special thanks for help with something that didn't get released here, but got some behind-the-scenes attention.
One last note before I give the table of contents, and then actual information: Much of this was a statistical project. In statistics, things can be a bit complicated and fuzzy. The information in each section will be simplified, and not technical, for the normal person’s reading.
- KYM History
- User Stats
- Origins of Entries
- Entry Analysis
- Forum Analysis
- Image Analysis
- Comment Analysis
- KYM Community Activity
- Closing
Know Your Meme began in 2007 by Andrew Baron (the creator of RocketBoom) and Kenyatta Cheese (Yatta), mainly for the purpose of informative videos. Some time in 2008, they relaunched the site with developer Jamie Wilkinson (Jamie Dubs). Jamie, Yatta, and Elspeth Jane (elspethjane) continued work on the videos, which garnered traction quickly. Siteside, Chris Menning and Greg Leuch (gleuch) were hired on for writing and system operations, respectively. Brad Kim, the current editor of the site, was also hired around this time. Don Caldwell and James, both current administrators of the site, were both hired some time in 2010.
Several temporary employees have come and gone between 2007 and now. Jamie, Yatta, Chris, and ElspethJane all left after KYM was purchased from RocketBoom by CheezBurger in 2011. Mike (the current producer of PBS Idea Channel) and Patrick were hired on as actors for the video series in 2011 and left in the same year.
In February 2016, Cheezburger was obtained by an unnamed buyer, later revealed to be Israeli media company Literally Media. Afterwards the staff team would be expanded by two people with the hiring of Matt Schimkowitz, and Briana Milman.
Each user is assigned a number to their account. For example, leads to my account. Because of this, we can analyze the activity of KYM users.
"Lurker" is someone who activated their account, wasn't spam, but also never contributed anything. Inactive contributor is someone who once contributed a decent amount of things, but then left. Inactive would be something like one or two comments, and then never returned.
Certain moderators have access to information about the origin of entries and site activity. However, this information is not supposed to be shared publicly. Because of this, studies such as Where Do the Memes Come From? by Jack the Dipper are indispensable (and surprisingly accurate, wink wink). For full information, visit the linked thread. Below is a short summary of the findings.
By a noticeable amount, the two most common origins for confirmed entries on KYM are YouTube and 4chan. Collectively, they account for 1/4th of all the confirmed entries on KYM, at the time of the study.
The next two most common origins are from Reddit and Tumblr.
Given the method of analyzing this was discovered in the process of working on this, we kept it simple and randomly selected only 100 entries. (The mathy part of this suggests something like, most of the time, the numbers presented below are within 10% of the real deal.)
About 30% of all entries are removed, and roughly another 30% are deadpooled. This leaves a bit less than half of all entries submitted to the site in the "good standing" zone.
However, half of all entries that weren't removed should have been deadpooled and were simply missed. This means only about 1/3rd of all entries submitted to the site were of actual value.
A normal non-removed entry on KYM had 2-3 editors. Given that this is probably skewed due to the fact that deadpooling an entry makes the deadpooling moderator an editor, only submissions and confirmed entries are probably more reflective of the standard editing team. There are normally about 3 editors on a real bona fide entry.
For the forums, we analyzed 100 threads.
Nearly half (42) of the threads were unavailable. The average thread has 600 views, with 17 posts from 11 users. Threads tend towards having a small amount of posts and views relative to the average – if charted out, it'd look more like this
than this.
In addition, there was basically no correlation between the number of posts or users in a thread and the number of views. This suggests that the attractiveness of a thread hardly has anything to do with getting people to post in it – those are two nearly completely unconnected factors.