This thread was made to accumulate an ammount of opinons on the subject of site traffic. Let it be known that your opinions matter and whether site traffic will benefit us, or hurt us.
Site Trafficing -
A period of time where a website gets a frequent amount of users joining.
DISCLAIMER: This is no intention for a raunchy flame war – Just a small debate with no insulting matters.
- Affirmatives
Explain why Site Traffic on KYM will benefit the site and what it can lead to.
- Negatives
Explain why Site Traffic is can be hurtful to the site and what it can lead to.
1.Pick a side. (Affirmative or Negative)
2.State your opinion.
3.Post Comment
Personally, I oppose of Site Traffic because an excessive amount of population can lead to repetitive meme entries that will end up causing a huge dilemma vice-versa.