Hello KYM, and welcome to my Painting thread. and welcome to my painting station were i work.
As you may have already guessed. i'm into table top miniatures. i've been in this since i was 9, and now i'm 21 1/2.
since people have been posting drawing threads and such. i've decided to do something different and do miniatures instead. i have a lot of miniatures that i have been slacking off on painting and i've just been buying stuff without fully painting them, or just neglecting to paint them all together. well, actually, i'm just a bloody procrastinator. all i just need is something to motivate me to paint. something to push me to do it.
so this is were you come in KYM. what i will be doing is posting various miniatures that i have that are still unpainted or that are incomplete. i will post pics of the painting process of the models im working on. showing the paints i use. how i do it etc. im not an award winning level of painter. im just a bit above table top quality. meaning i put more effort into my guys than those who just want to get them on the tabletop to play.
Here are some samples of my many armies i have to show for it.
(i dont own an hd camera to take better quality photos. they look better in person i swear.)
My skaven army. i could care less wether i kill myself more than my opponent kills me when i play them. as long as shit dies than im happy.
I always wanted to do a winter themed army. what better than the sons of mother russia.
one of the main games played at the store i go to. a lot of fun. very tactical when it comes to measuring. a lot oc combos you can do to make your units become better. and also steam powered robots beating the scrap out of each other. whats not to like. this faction is pretty much old testament christians. join our faith or burn heathens. they focus more on faith and miracle like abilities than technology. they pretty much deny people to do certain things and say NO to people. you want to cast magic or shoot my guys. No. you want to kill this guy. No. lots of fun.
Ininity is a small Sci-fi Skrimish game that uses D20 sided dice for great versatility. it is a very complex game with a very deep learning curve. but it is an atrocious amounts of fun once you get into it. one of the best fetures is that you can always respond to your opponents actions in various ways, so your never waiting for your turn to start. your always playing. looking for an opportunity to react.
my faction is Haqqislam, Space muslims pretty much, not the crazy ones but more peace oriented. they specialize in terraformation (in fluff) and have the best medicine and doctors in the universe (in game and fluff) they are not as high tech as the other big factions but are very versatile and tricksy.
Just to remind you all. i work monday to fridays from 7 am and arrive home around 5 pm east coast time zone. Toronto canada pretty much. i'm off on weekends but spend my saturday away. sundays are my full days off. i will try and post when i can and i will try and keep up with peoples requests. so please don't wait for me to deliver ASAP because i am a busy guy, a slow painter, and i am also constantly dragged into the roleplay thread as well. so please bare with me on this.
i will post later on tomorrow what models i need to work on, but will be suggested by you guys which ones i paint first. I will go step by step on what i do and my works in progress to update my status.