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Trending Photos Page Image Filtering

Last posted May 08, 2019 at 06:26AM EDT. Added May 01, 2019 at 06:31PM EDT
9 posts from 8 users

I'm really pumped about this. For many of us the filtered content will be much more engaging and relevant. And, if you turn the filters green, you'll still have access to the popular niche art.

The filters will remain active as you move around the site, so if you turn the NSFW filter red, all trending galleries for entries that have them will also be filtered. And if you choose to turn that one green, the NSFW images will be in the gallery, but they will still have the cover image shielding the content.

For logged-out users, both filters will be active by default, and on mobile, they are presently the de facto. When you log in, the subcultures filter will turn green, but once you set it to your personal preference it will persist until you log out.

I don't use the Trending gallery much myself (I noticed the filter just now) but I know that some visitors use it exclusively without ever viewing anything else. Having NSFW filtered as default setting might improve the chances of becoming popular for other types of content.
This is a step in the right direction and I hope this helps increase the overall usability of the site.

It looks like I found a bug. Some NSFW pics slip through in spite of the filters. How does that work?

After scrolling for dozens of pages I spotted only 3 such submissions (4 with "Subcultures" button turned green). Here's a list of these images:


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