The aglet at the end of my dress string isn't crimped or glued but rather held by a tiny screw. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Apr 27, 2020 at 07:37PM EDT
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Helped my aunt go through boxes to throw out. Turns out she had two perfectly functional Virtual Boys! | /r/mildlyinteresting
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This hand sanitizer my company made with their whiskey production facilities | /r/mildlyinteresting
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Triplets and badger coloring are both rare in my breed of sheep- my ewe delivered three of a kind! | /r/mildlyinteresting
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I was able to cut my pizza so there were three pepperoni on every slice | /r/mildlyinteresting
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This near life size sculpture of a gorilla made entirely of colored pencils. | /r/mildlyinteresting
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