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Trapsuki is a portmanteau of the word "trap" and the name Natsuki which refers to a fan theory that the Doki Doki Literature Club character Natsuki was born male, with some citing various androgynous characteristics as evidence.

This idea was later specifically addressed by DDLC team founder Dan Salvato saying "Canonically, all the characters except MC are biologically female.


The oldest known discussion is on the Steam Community forums on October 14th 2017,[1] less than a month after the game's release on Steam. However, it is very likely that people elsewhere online had similar thoughts, do to such characters showing up occasionally in Japanese and Japanese inspired media. The Steam Community post links to an image of Natsuki [shown below] with her in game art labeled pointing out certain traits that some believe suggests that she was really male.

arbitrary hair clip that serves no purpose-looks like a guy going yes i am totally girl look i have hair clip!!!" Unnatural hair colour, even for anime standards Strong jawline Wide face Only character without exaggerated breast shading Shoulders much wider than hips Straight waist, as opposed to curved More easily noticeable in the casual outfit. CONCLUSION: OBVIOUS AF TRAP Awkward hand/arm posture indicates desperation to fit certain aesthetic (ie; the "lady" doth protest too much when she's called cute)


The idea of Natsuki being a trap is frequently brought up n the Doki Doki Literature Club Subreddit r/DDLC. The most highly voted images which bring up the subject, however, are generally posts making fun of the concept. On December 12th, 2017, Redditor Dawnsday posted a photoshop of Natsuki with an angry reaction face titled "tfw someone refers to Natsuki as 'Trapsuki'" to /r/DDLC[6] (shown below, left). On January 2nd, 2018, Redditor Rocket-Bot submitted a Star Wars-themed image macro in which a Clone trooper replies "It's time for you to leave" after being told "Natsuki is a trap" to /r/DDLC[5] (shown below, right).

literally anyone on /r/ddlc "Natsuki is a trap" I'm sorry sir It's time for you to leave

Dan Salvato's Response

Dan Salvato, Doki Doki Literature Club team founder has stated that Natsuki, or any of the other cast members being traps was not his intention, and should not be considered canon.

dansalvato - Today at 8:02 AM Canonically, all the characters except MC are biologically female 2

On Twitter, when asked by Twitter user @hito_sugoi asked "can i just get a tweet of you saying "Natsuki is a trap" for waifu ruining purposes?" He responded with "No. The whole meme is just really disrespectful and I can't believe that it's gone on for this long. Please don't continue to be part of the problem." and said "I get tweets and emails almost daily from people asking me if Natsuki is male. Or a "trap.""[3]

On Tuesday January 16th 2017, Dan Salvato commented on a screenshot of the above twitter engagement o the SubReddit r/DDLC. [4] In his comment he stated that while he did enjoy seeing different depictions of the characters, he did not like how there has been a "controversy is deliberately being stirred around one of the characters, and it's being constantly directed towards me. That means I'm personally involved – and from a personal standpoint, I don't agree with gender being used to deliberately stir controversy from nothing, and I think it would be nice if it stopped. That's pretty much the whole story."

-] dansalvato1658 points 12 hours ago So basically this is something I wanted to try to tactfully comment on for a while now, and now that it has a sliver of attention I guess I can elaborate a little bit. It's a lot of fun to see different kinds of depictions of the DDLC cast in fan art, meme culture, headcanon, etc. It's a sign that people care about the characters and want to get more out of them. But somehow, the "theory" that Natsuki is biologically male has transcended meme land, resulting in tweets and emails being sent to me on a regular basis, asking if it's true. It's been going on since October This has nothing to do with me getting offended by an offensive joke, or something like that. It has to do with the fact that controversy is deliberately being stirred around one of the characters, and it's being constantly directed towards me. That means I'm personally involved - and from a personal standpoint, I don't agree with gender being used to deliberately stir controversy from nothing, and I think it would be nice if it stopped. That's pretty much the whole story. The fact that the word "trap" is used doesn't really have anything to do with my stance on this. I think that's a different conversation entirely, one that of course has nothing to do with DDLC I hesitated to bring this up for so long because inserting my sociopolitical opinions into the DDLC community would be an idiotic mistake. People can run their fan communities however they want - it has nothing to do with me. And that's my only request, for it to have nothing to do with me. But I always love to see everyone help create more positive experiences for each other permalink source embed save save-RES report give gold reply hide child comments

Various Examples

Natsu ki 氏 ITRAP CARD 1 LIMITEE POITION Use this card to trigger the s--- out of all the Natsuki fans.
Sayori hanging memes.. TRAP- SUKI MEMES
Weeabot 5000 agregó una foto nueva. guys with hair like this have a 125% chance of stealing your girl

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External References

[1] Steam Community – Natsuki is a Trap? maybe?

[2] Twitter – @hito_sugoi

[3] Twitter – @dansalvato

[4] Reddit – dansalvato

[5] Reddit – No more Trapsuki

[6] Reddit – tfw someone refers to Natsuki as Trapsuki

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