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SolarBalls is an animated, edutainment web series created by Alvaro Calmet, that follows an astronaut who's only known as Astrodude who gets to explore the solar system (and beyond), but he soon discovers that what it seems and as he goes on different adventures, the lives of planets, moons, ect are revealed.


The SolarBalls channel was created on May 5, 2022, but the first three episodes wasn't uploaded until June 1, 2022 (see below).

On September 20, 2022 the first 8-minute episode[1] titled "Is the Moon REALLY leaving us?" premiered on YouTube (An episode length which would become the norm for the series later on) (see below).

SolarBalls has since gone on to collab with other channels, such as Veritasium[2], Bricksane[3], Kurzgesagt[4]. ChrisDaCow[5], and Danrhodes[6].

On November 30, 2023 the channel gained 1 million subscribers[7].

Online Presence

SolarBalls has gotten itself a massive online following due to the fact that unlike MrSpherical, it has a more continuity based plot and multiple story arcs, along with the fact that it's based off the much less popular spinoff of PolandBall called SpaceBalls, whereas MrSpherical was based off the already popular PolandBall that even has fanart, fan animations, and it's own wiki[8].

Search Interest

External References

[1] SolarBalls Wiki – Is the Moon REALLY leaving us??
fn2. YouTube – How to become a Space Explorer!
fn3. YouTube – LEGO Planets!
fn4. YouTube – What REALLY is a planet?
fn5. YouTube – Is the Universe a Simulation?
fn6. YouTube – Space is Magic!
fn7. SocialBlade – SolarBalls
fn8. SolarBalls Wiki – SolarBalls Wiki

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