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Mr. Incredible Becoming Ankward also known as Mr. Incredible Becoming Goofy refers to a series of memes based on the Mr. Incredible Becoming Uncanny format where is shown Mr. Incredibles From The Incredibles phases becoming more Ankward.


On January 13th, 2022, YouTube user actitud pandita uploaded the first video of the meme, the video received 38,000 views and 1,000 likes in 3 weeks(shown below.)[1]


In the next day several youtubers made videos using the meme, on January 14th, 2022, YouTube user SergioG24 uploaded the most viral video, the video received 846,000 views and 26,000 likes in 3 weeks(shown below.)[2]

there were also several videos of the clash royale combinated with this meme(example shown below.)[3]

On January 19th, 2022, YouTube user Zrekun uploaded the most popular non-hispanic video of the meme, the video received 592,000 views and 24,000 likes in 2 weeks(shown below.)[4]

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