Christmas Day
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Christmas is a special event celebrated on 25 December. It is celebrated in order to remember the birth of Jesus Christ in the Christian religion, but has recently expanded as a day of gift giving.
The idea of Christmas was originality created as memory to the birth of Christ[1], who, according to Christian[2] belief, was born on 25 December 0 A.D. The earliest known celebration of Christmas is in early Rome, around 354 A.D. The day was celebrated similarly to that of Epiphany[3] on 6 January.
In the early middle ages, Christmas was heavily overshadowed by Epiphany, but by the late middle ages, Christmas had become more prominent, incorporating in popular traditions such as the inclusion of Holly and Ivy, as well as gift giving. However, by the 19th century, with the inclusion of Santa Claus, as well as other popular traditions, such as the Christmas Tree, Christmas moved away from the idea of celebrating the birth of Christ.