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Part of a series on Moe. [View Related Entries]

Rameses- 『エレン·ベーカー」の Other bookmarks ode. tag-full&word:エレン·ベーカー&r18a] 先生 ベーカー先主の手コキ HITS Lesson? うめばし エレン先生 モルダー 43 1レン先生 エレン先生 むくば t39 ペーカー先生とnx子くん エレン·ベーカー先生と放課 後個人レッスン エレン先1例のアレ/160406 91の先主 オジィ3日旦東チ エレン先Ruwceaca る方法を見つけてしまっ- たかさき が13 ★312 . 13 305 0 エレン·ベーカー先主のこれ からと,その先 ゴミ袋4(Twtterまとめ) TADO カー先庄 着衣セックスエレン·ベーカ うのばし ペレペレ tcky Note 1059PM


Ellen Baker (Japanese: エレン・ベーカー) is a fictional tutor character featured in the 2016-2019 edition of New Horizon, a Japanese textbook that is widely used for English-language education in middle schools. After being mentioned by Japanese students on Twitter in April 2016, she instantly became a subject of moe character art on the Japanese web.


In the fictional setting of the book, Ellen Baker is an English language tutor at Midori Junior High School. She is one of the characters featured in the 2016-2019 edition of New Horizon, a long running Japanese English textbook series published by Tokyo Shoseki[1] and used in junior high schools across the country. On April 5th 2016, Twitter user @haiyore_audio[2] uploaded several pictures of the characters taken from the textbook of his younger brother; who began his first year as a junior high school student earlier that month. Within the first 24 hours, the tweet garnered over 50,000 retweets and 45,000 likes, with many expressing affection for the charming character unexpectedly found in an educational textbook.

そーちんは振って開缶 @haiyore_audio はぁ?新しく中学校に入学した弟が持って帰っ てきた英語の教科書。 登場人物可愛すぎない???特にエレン·ベー カー先生。惚れた。 ⑤ View translation Bal Open the Door 主な登場人物 さあ, 中学校で学ぶ英語の世界に ふみ出し裏しょう。 t. I'm from B On goston Red Sox fo an? ;, I am 元. 気 安藤咲 伊藤光太 緑中学校の1年生。 サッカー部に所属. Deepa Mitra Alex Greern 中学校の1年生。 道部に所属。 (7レっワフ、 :-ッ\ 9中学校の1年生 インド出身 音楽が好きで、 バンドをやっていほす。 Bp学校の1年生" カナダ出身。 日本文化に興味があります。 安藤春樹 伊藤絵美 Mike Baker
"Huh? Is this my brother's new English textbook? Why are they so cute??? And this is Ellen Baker. I love her."

This edition's illustrations were drawn by Japanese illustrator Denchubou (電柱棒), who also worked on a NEW HORIZON version for adults; which was released in 2011 (shown below, left). The illustrations came as a surprise to many due to the fact that they imagined typical illustrations for English textbooks would be similar to the ones from the previous edition of NEW HORIZON (shown below, right).

「著作桎保護コンテンツ」 RANID 次世代型 あのキャラクターが 帰ってきた! 教科書 HORIZONで もう一度英語をやってみる デイビッド·セイン 'ネットで音声を ダウンロードできる! ARキ iPhone / iPod touch対応) 書籍はあらたなるステージへ
この教科書の主な登場人物 絵美·慎, Mike, Judyは若葉中学校の3年生です。 Ann Green先生は若葉中学校で英語を教えています。 襁絵美 ·田中慎 : Ann Green先生 : (アン·グリーン) Mike Davis (マイクデイビス) : Judy Brown (ジュディ·ブラウン) ,アメリカから :来ています. カナダから来ています.オーストラリアから 来ています.


The textbook subsequently managed to gather online attention due to the moe illustrations and an adult story normally present in doujins. Shortly after the images of Ellen Baker went viral on Twitter, articles for Ellen Baker were submitted to Nico Nico Pedia[3] and the Pixiv Encyclopedia,[4] inspiring more than 200 instances of fan illustrations within the next day.[5][6] Meanwhile, Twitter users held a crappy collage grand prix for her,[7] followed by a creation of a novelty Twitter account of the character: @ellenbaker[14]. A common reaction to these discoveries, and many of those user-created contents were also reblogged via Tumblr.[8] The sudden and explosive popularity of Ellen Baker was subsequently picked up by online news media[9][10] as well as English otaku communities, including Crunchyroll[11] and 4chan's /a/ (anime) board.[12][13]

Creator's Response

On April 7th, 2016, Buzzfeed Japan published an interview with Denchubou.[14] He said he appreciated the online popularity and mentioned that he hopes students will gain an interest in the characters and the English language they speak as well. On the other hand, he also expressed concern, fearing the popularity could influence its educational purposes.


Of course, I do welcome the situation. But… this is a textbook. I'm worried if parents will start to grow a bad impression, or if people start to forget its educational purpose.

Fan Art

"せんせーは キミのおねーちがんでは ないよ 2

Hey/ Let's FLY! 东野 ら,リ

Search Interest

External References

Editor’s Note: Registration is needed to browse the original videos/illustrations listed in this section.

[1] Wikipedia – Tokyo Shoseki

[2] Twitter via Wayback Machine – そーちんは難聴予備軍 : "はぁ?新しく中学校に入学した弟が持って帰ってきた英語の教科書。 登場人物可愛すぎない???特にエレン・ベーカー先生。惚れた。 https://t.co/5EUzNWoWDi" / Posted on 04-05-2016 (Japanese)

[3] Nico Nico Pedia – エレン・ベーカー先生 (Japanese)

[4] Pixiv Encyclopedia – エレン・ベーカー (Japanese)

[5] Nico Nico Seiga – Search results for エレン・ベーカー先生 (Japanese)

[6] Pixiv – Search results for エレン・ベーカー

[7] Twitter – Search results for the hashtag #エレン先生クソコラグランプリ

[8] Tumblr – Search results for エレン ベーカー

[9] BIGLOBE news – 登場人物が可愛く進化 英語の教科書「NEW HORIZON」のエレン・ベーカー先生が話題に / 04-06-2016 (Japanese)

[10] RocketNews24 (now SoraNews21) – English textbook characters get anime-style makeover to appeal to linguists and otaku alike / 2016-04-06

[11] Crunchyroll – Twitter Falls In Love With Japanese Text Book's Super-Kawaii English Teacher / 04-05-2016

[12] DesuStorage – /a/ – This is a Japanese Junior-high English textbook. / Posted on 04-05-2016 [NSFW!!]

[13] DesuStorage – /a/ – So /a/, do you find Ellen Baker cute? / Posted on 04-06-2016 [NSFW!!]

[14] Buzzfeed Japan – 話題沸騰中の英語教科書「エレン先生」 イラスト担当者に話を聞いた / 2016-04-07 (Japanese)

[15] Twitter – Ellen Baker

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Ellen Backer of New Horizon | Anime woman holding up a pointer

Ellen Baker (New Horizon)

Part of a series on Moe. [View Related Entries]

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Rameses- 『エレン·ベーカー」の Other bookmarks ode. tag-full&word:エレン·ベーカー&r18a] 先生 ベーカー先主の手コキ HITS Lesson? うめばし エレン先生 モルダー 43 1レン先生 エレン先生 むくば t39 ペーカー先生とnx子くん エレン·ベーカー先生と放課 後個人レッスン エレン先1例のアレ/160406 91の先主 オジィ3日旦東チ エレン先Ruwceaca る方法を見つけてしまっ- たかさき が13 ★312 . 13 305 0 エレン·ベーカー先主のこれ からと,その先 ゴミ袋4(Twtterまとめ) TADO カー先庄 着衣セックスエレン·ベーカ うのばし ペレペレ tcky Note 1059PM


Ellen Baker (Japanese: エレン・ベーカー) is a fictional tutor character featured in the 2016-2019 edition of New Horizon, a Japanese textbook that is widely used for English-language education in middle schools. After being mentioned by Japanese students on Twitter in April 2016, she instantly became a subject of moe character art on the Japanese web.


In the fictional setting of the book, Ellen Baker is an English language tutor at Midori Junior High School. She is one of the characters featured in the 2016-2019 edition of New Horizon, a long running Japanese English textbook series published by Tokyo Shoseki[1] and used in junior high schools across the country. On April 5th 2016, Twitter user @haiyore_audio[2] uploaded several pictures of the characters taken from the textbook of his younger brother; who began his first year as a junior high school student earlier that month. Within the first 24 hours, the tweet garnered over 50,000 retweets and 45,000 likes, with many expressing affection for the charming character unexpectedly found in an educational textbook.

そーちんは振って開缶 @haiyore_audio はぁ?新しく中学校に入学した弟が持って帰っ てきた英語の教科書。 登場人物可愛すぎない???特にエレン·ベー カー先生。惚れた。 ⑤ View translation Bal Open the Door 主な登場人物 さあ, 中学校で学ぶ英語の世界に ふみ出し裏しょう。 t. I'm from B On goston Red Sox fo an? ;, I am 元. 気 安藤咲 伊藤光太 緑中学校の1年生。 サッカー部に所属. Deepa Mitra Alex Greern 中学校の1年生。 道部に所属。 (7レっワフ、 :-ッ\ 9中学校の1年生 インド出身 音楽が好きで、 バンドをやっていほす。 Bp学校の1年生" カナダ出身。 日本文化に興味があります。 安藤春樹 伊藤絵美 Mike Baker

"Huh? Is this my brother's new English textbook? Why are they so cute??? And this is Ellen Baker. I love her."

This edition's illustrations were drawn by Japanese illustrator Denchubou (電柱棒), who also worked on a NEW HORIZON version for adults; which was released in 2011 (shown below, left). The illustrations came as a surprise to many due to the fact that they imagined typical illustrations for English textbooks would be similar to the ones from the previous edition of NEW HORIZON (shown below, right).

「著作桎保護コンテンツ」 RANID 次世代型 あのキャラクターが 帰ってきた! 教科書 HORIZONで もう一度英語をやってみる デイビッド·セイン 'ネットで音声を ダウンロードできる! ARキ iPhone / iPod touch対応) 書籍はあらたなるステージへ この教科書の主な登場人物 絵美·慎, Mike, Judyは若葉中学校の3年生です。 Ann Green先生は若葉中学校で英語を教えています。 襁絵美 ·田中慎 : Ann Green先生 : (アン·グリーン) Mike Davis (マイクデイビス) : Judy Brown (ジュディ·ブラウン) ,アメリカから :来ています. カナダから来ています.オーストラリアから 来ています.


The textbook subsequently managed to gather online attention due to the moe illustrations and an adult story normally present in doujins. Shortly after the images of Ellen Baker went viral on Twitter, articles for Ellen Baker were submitted to Nico Nico Pedia[3] and the Pixiv Encyclopedia,[4] inspiring more than 200 instances of fan illustrations within the next day.[5][6] Meanwhile, Twitter users held a crappy collage grand prix for her,[7] followed by a creation of a novelty Twitter account of the character: @ellenbaker[14]. A common reaction to these discoveries, and many of those user-created contents were also reblogged via Tumblr.[8] The sudden and explosive popularity of Ellen Baker was subsequently picked up by online news media[9][10] as well as English otaku communities, including Crunchyroll[11] and 4chan's /a/ (anime) board.[12][13]

Creator's Response

On April 7th, 2016, Buzzfeed Japan published an interview with Denchubou.[14] He said he appreciated the online popularity and mentioned that he hopes students will gain an interest in the characters and the English language they speak as well. On the other hand, he also expressed concern, fearing the popularity could influence its educational purposes.


Of course, I do welcome the situation. But… this is a textbook. I'm worried if parents will start to grow a bad impression, or if people start to forget its educational purpose.

Fan Art

Ellen Baker ELLEN BAKER "せんせーは キミのおねーちがんでは ないよ 2
Hey/ Let's FLY! 东野 ら,リ

Search Interest

External References

Editor’s Note: Registration is needed to browse the original videos/illustrations listed in this section.

[1] Wikipedia – Tokyo Shoseki

[2] Twitter via Wayback Machine – そーちんは難聴予備軍 : "はぁ?新しく中学校に入学した弟が持って帰ってきた英語の教科書。 登場人物可愛すぎない???特にエレン・ベーカー先生。惚れた。 https://t.co/5EUzNWoWDi" / Posted on 04-05-2016 (Japanese)

[3] Nico Nico Pedia – エレン・ベーカー先生 (Japanese)

[4] Pixiv Encyclopedia – エレン・ベーカー (Japanese)

[5] Nico Nico Seiga – Search results for エレン・ベーカー先生 (Japanese)

[6] Pixiv – Search results for エレン・ベーカー

[7] Twitter – Search results for the hashtag #エレン先生クソコラグランプリ

[8] Tumblr – Search results for エレン ベーカー

[9] BIGLOBE news – 登場人物が可愛く進化 英語の教科書「NEW HORIZON」のエレン・ベーカー先生が話題に / 04-06-2016 (Japanese)

[10] RocketNews24 (now SoraNews21) – English textbook characters get anime-style makeover to appeal to linguists and otaku alike / 2016-04-06

[11] Crunchyroll – Twitter Falls In Love With Japanese Text Book's Super-Kawaii English Teacher / 04-05-2016

[12] DesuStorage – /a/ – This is a Japanese Junior-high English textbook. / Posted on 04-05-2016 [NSFW!!]

[13] DesuStorage – /a/ – So /a/, do you find Ellen Baker cute? / Posted on 04-06-2016 [NSFW!!]

[14] Buzzfeed Japan – 話題沸騰中の英語教科書「エレン先生」 イラスト担当者に話を聞いた / 2016-04-07 (Japanese)

[15] Twitter – Ellen Baker

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