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Last posted Sep 19, 2024 at 01:45AM EDT. Added Jun 14, 2023 at 10:15AM EDT
375 posts from 68 users

Apparently Space Marine II forces you to install Epic's multiplayer framework or something for crossplay. It's not necessary, but it auto installs.

Honestly, I wouldn't have too big of a problem for that kind of stuff but they also have a "you can't ever sue us" clause ala Disney. I read all this on twitter and 4chin, so keep that in mind. Grain of salt.

I've never played SM so it doesn't affect me but those kind of contracts should be illegal. It's insane that they aren't. Especially for minor, trivial things like making an account or playing a game. Utterly scummy to include.

Last edited Sep 06, 2024 at 12:13PM EDT
I browsed deviantart and stumbled upon a user who name is Allah (not cool, yo) and found this site called Dimension Music. It's stuck like this and Internet Archive plays the sound original site doesn't.
I checked out forums and the site seemed to work til 2014.
What did you guys find?

I really don't like the direction that Civilization 7 is going. It's just copying Mankind too much, and as much as I wanted to get into Mankind it just didn't work out to me. The culture change mechanic does not work the way I thought it would in Mankind and it seems way too on the nose in how Civilization 7 is utilizing it.

I think instead of switching from Egyptian to Greek, how about allowing players to evolve the Egyptians to Greek but still calling it Egyptian? That would be a lot more accurate to the actual history.

A mechanic could be a development web, which can give a lot of customization to your civilization, and different civilizations have bonuses to certain parts of that development web. For example a more commercially driven civilization can have a 20% bonus to evolving their economic branch.

It just looks like there isn't any new ideas that are going into Civilization 7, and instead they saw their competitor (that didn't even do that well) and said "lets just steal it from them."

Appeal to tradition is obviously a fallacy, but I'm also really getting sick of people using appeal to novelty as a serious argument and how they think anything is better just because it's new. You know, the people who say stuff like "You should do X because it's the [current year]" or "Doing X is so [former year]".
People who say stuff like this clearly care more about trends than thinking for themselves.

Is it me or Mormons seem more faithful to God than others? As in "I don't care if you are degenerate. We would like you to join our community." and actually doing some traditions and going to Churches.
Even I believe Mormons can do something big like Don Bluth and Sandy Petersen.
Even Joshua Graham from Honest Hearts made me think so.

FatmanAss wrote:

Is it me or Mormons seem more faithful to God than others? As in "I don't care if you are degenerate. We would like you to join our community." and actually doing some traditions and going to Churches.
Even I believe Mormons can do something big like Don Bluth and Sandy Petersen.
Even Joshua Graham from Honest Hearts made me think so.

Nah I always thought Quakers were the closest. From what I know about them Quakers are premium peoples.

Chewybunny wrote:

Nah I always thought Quakers were the closest. From what I know about them Quakers are premium peoples.

I also wanted to write about how they don't bitch about LGBT community like others nor do they make fun of other churches for looking like Pizza Hut.

The more I am online, the more I will create more problems to myself than to everyone.
Whenever I see minors online nowadays, I just feel sorry for them. Even when they are on Twitter writing like bunch of retards and cross lines all the time.

I could also write about how I feel like a mentally challenged grown up in 30s who looks like that Jake from Evil Dead 2 looking at himself as an infant who just learned to walk, but I do not want to be too dramatic about that and I can still find help.

Everyone needs to take a day off from internet and spend a day not checking anything. Only things stopping you would be apps like Viber.

Kenetic Kups wrote:

In addition to how fucking bad modern search engines are, another bad thing is suggestions
you NEVER get what you want EVERY FUCKING TIME it adds stupid shit to it like "reaction" or "lyrics"

that reminds me of the time i was searching up the name of a boss from octopath traveler to see what it's mythological origins were, and almost every single result was for the same damn boss whose name i was searching up

Google search engine has truly gone to shit. I swear, you used to be able to put a couple of phrases between quotation marks and Google was flawless in finding the exact phrases and what you were looking for, nowadays it feels like 70% of the time it just redirects to that dumb "fishing troll" popup that says nothing has been found.

Last edited Sep 11, 2024 at 10:31PM EDT

Also since i'm already here and in a venting mood, it gets fucking tiresome when conversations on KYM devolve into shit-flinging almost immediately, because some users hold neverending grudges with each other. "Oh of course YOU would say that because (brings up shit that happened like 3 years ago or whatever)" like seriously? That's what's gonna happen half of the time, debates are gonna be ended with the same fucking repetitive thought-terminating cliches over and over again? Are you fucking done with your little petty vendettas so the rest of us can try to make a conversation? Fuck!

And i'm really, REALLY tempted to name some names right now, i won't do it because i don't feel like being a narc asshole right now. But some of y'all know exactly who you are, so try to cut it the fuck out, will you. Manga de resentidos.

Last edited Sep 11, 2024 at 10:54PM EDT

martinprince12345 wrote:

Also since i'm already here and in a venting mood, it gets fucking tiresome when conversations on KYM devolve into shit-flinging almost immediately, because some users hold neverending grudges with each other. "Oh of course YOU would say that because (brings up shit that happened like 3 years ago or whatever)" like seriously? That's what's gonna happen half of the time, debates are gonna be ended with the same fucking repetitive thought-terminating cliches over and over again? Are you fucking done with your little petty vendettas so the rest of us can try to make a conversation? Fuck!

And i'm really, REALLY tempted to name some names right now, i won't do it because i don't feel like being a narc asshole right now. But some of y'all know exactly who you are, so try to cut it the fuck out, will you. Manga de resentidos.

I seriously thought I was the only one (ok, maybe one of the few people) who also finds KYM grudges to be pretty dull. Some folks here care way, WAY, WAY about who's speaking as opposed to WHAT they're saying. Like, why am I supposed to care about THAT HERE? If they have a point then they have a point. I swear people really need to get over things.

I wish I could go visit Germany again. I would love to go to Oktoberfest and yell "JA, JA! WUNDERBWAAAAH!!!"
Anyways, I would like to visit USA, Brazil, Egypt, Japan, South Korea and Sweden one day.

blank profile pic wrote:

I seriously thought I was the only one (ok, maybe one of the few people) who also finds KYM grudges to be pretty dull. Some folks here care way, WAY, WAY about who's speaking as opposed to WHAT they're saying. Like, why am I supposed to care about THAT HERE? If they have a point then they have a point. I swear people really need to get over things.

*too much about who's speaking
damn edit timer…

Remember the "No Frickin Games" song about PS3 not having games? Well, the website behind it is shut down and replaced by something that needs a VPN to get it as it seems. Aw, man.
< a href=""> This is the Sarcastic Gamer website now.

Do you guys know any website that got replaced like that site.

src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
hope this works

anyways, Twitter is an ultimate addiction, yo. Just by registering its evil force you to come in and become obnoxious.

welp, for about last week, I came back from college to discover that the water pipe from the house has been burst and flooded the first floor. that completely fucks up the whole wooden panels and few of the walls. but this isn't an average pipe burst, since it's located behind the goddamn water heater. so my family can't mess with it without making things worse.

my mother immediately called the home insurance about the situation and luckily, they'll recover the damage and replace the floors. but that also means that we loss access to the kitchen once the repairmen came in.

in other words, me and my family loss access to both the house water supply and source of cooking for the next couple of weeks…

FatmanAss wrote:

I am trying to do textile and HTML as they show, but I fail. someone pls help me with this

Above (below if you hit reply) the field where you type a post, open the “What is Textile?” link in another tab. The posts there explain textile and html.

I recommend editing your profile to practice.

Last edited Sep 16, 2024 at 10:36PM EDT

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