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Image #369,311
Uploaded by Land0fChocolate Aug 06, 2012 at 01:45PM EDT
lol riot games league of legends alistar miss fortune sarah fortune caitlyn she leblanc ryze renekton nunu willump nurse akali leona veigar yordle shen xin zhao amumu blitzcrank reverse annie surfer signed nautilus ahri kennen urf urfirder corki cassiopeia gangplank dr mundo shauna vayne ziggs tundra fizz surprise party fiddlesticks urgot rumble shaco gentleman chogath zyra galio kassadin orianna skarner taric kogmaw kog maw cho gath morgana tristana graves soraka tango twisted fate maokai pentakill karthus lulu vladimir diana fiora traditional trundle jarvan iv jarvan lightshield pentakill sona pentakill yorick viktor nocturne olaf udyr xerath sejuani ezreal varus malzahar malphite acolyte lee sin evelynn kyubey puella magi madoka magica swain nasus kitty kat katarina firefigher tristana mordekaiser talon poppy wukong jax jake finn adventure time wariwick volibear luxanna crownguard lux shyvana panda teemo
Origin Entry: League of Legends
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Resolution: (1668px x 1181px)
File size: 1.36 MB