Made to satisfy the human need to categorize a large number of things onto a 2-dimensional plane. There are many axes that could have been used and have been used in the past, but they each have issues that make it hard to objectively place memes according to them.
Dank vs Normie: Everything eventually becomes normie before circling around to ironic. Organic vs Forced is in a similar situation.
Wholesome vs Edgy: This one seems more subjective. (Didn't KYM have an entry where this was an axis? I looked but couldn't find it.)
Variability vs Stagnation: Some memes are localized to a certain event or person, but everything is variable with enough effort.
I wanted to focus on the immutable, objective properties of memes. So I chose for my two axes:
-Words vs senses. Every meme, whether verbal or visual or audio, is capable of "crossing over" to any other form of media, so I placed memes by the form the original meme took, or which the meme most commonly takes. See Scott McCloud's book "Understanding Comics" for a mind-blowing dissection of the format of comics. It's why I believe memes are comics, comics are art, and therefore memes are art.
-Direct vs Layered. Things toward the top are easy to "get", not requiring much prior understanding of either general knowledge or memes. Toward the bottom there are more layers of irony, or viewers need to be "in" on some other memes in order to understand. I ran into a problem here since there are two reasons why something might be difficult to understand: Either there are layers to it, or there is nothing there to get (as in surreal memes, in which the absurdity is the point.) With enough experience most can tell the difference.
Black = genres, green = specifics. Overall, things to the upper left are received, while things to the lower right are perceived. I struggle to think of anything that fits in the lower left.
If you would like to create your own based on these axes, or add something I missed, I uploaded a template as well. Feel free to use it as seriously or as silly as you want.