
Deadpool   385

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Following the troll invasion of the Scranton Police Department Facebook group, a member by the name of Smlolz began unraveling. Unable to cope with the leftists’ trolling, Smlolz lost it and began filling the group with alt right nonsense. When the trolls mocked this, he took it to heart and began harassing them in real life. After several months of particularly unhinged harassment towards another member’s pregnant girlfriend, the leftist trolls began hitting back in full force. They quickly found his real information and began exposing him for the lowlife that he was. Smlolz was just angered further and intensified his insane rants and threats. When he went low, the trolls met him there. Upon learning of his fondness towards his deceased grandmother “GamGams”, the trolls played that card in the form of several explicit memes and photoshopped photos of Gams. Triggered beyond words, Smlolz ran to the Sharon PA police station to report the group members for “elder abuse”. Obviously the cops blew it off and laughed at him. For 2 full years he continues to harass the group and the leftists continue to expose and mock him daily – for everything from his failed marriage to his stupid typing code and the MS Paint bandana he draws on himself. The memes are made by the hundreds and spammed in the group every day. In Summer 2020, the amount of trolls fighting him became overwhelming and he lashed out by attempting to get a member’s home swatted. Which, just as before, resulted in nothing since the trolls are not doing anything illegal. Currently Smlolz is laying low since the group reported him for making false police reports. However he is still active on Twitter, where for reasons unknown he pretends to be a middle aged woman with a rose tattoo and a deep love for Downton Abbey. He unravels more and more each day – and the memes just keep getting better.

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