Sean Spicer - Images
I can practically hear Sean Spicer arguing that he was "among the bushes" not "in the bushes
Sean Spicer
More! More Spicer and bushes. "Among," not "in." Get those prepositions right, people.
Sean Spicer
Sean Spicer literally hid in the bushes to temporarily avoid answering questions about Comey
Sean Spicer
lol @seanspicer
Sean Spicer
Sean Spicer hiding behind a bush from White House reporters will forever be funny
Sean Spicer
"Sean Spicer reportedly hid in the White House bushes after firing of James Comey"
Sean Spicer
found this photo of sean spicer hiding between the bushes
Sean Spicer
"This is fine"
Sean Spicer
I think someone hacked Spicer's account
Sean Spicer
President Trump's hands are the "largest hands to ever exist, period."
Sean Spicer