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Part of a series on Hacktivism / Internet Vigilantism. [View Related Entries]

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Cat dumped in the wheelie bin is the shocking moment a middle-aged woman picks up a cat – and stuffs it into a WHEELIE-BIN. The terrified cat, a four-year-old tabby called Lola, was trapped in the bin for 15 hours before her owners finally found her. Owner Darryl, 26, a mobile phone repair man, said: ''I'd like to know how she would feel if she was stuck in a bin for 15 hours without food or drink.

Darryl and his cat, Lola*


An old woman named Mary Bale. She saw a tabby cat named Lola and she throw that cat to the garbage.

This is a original video was taken from the CCTV camera. (No sound)

Here's another video from ITN News (voiced by the reporters)


There is some parodies and a revenge video.

Mary Bale attacked!!!

Lola, Lola, Lola (SONG, Mary Bale Cat Dump Abuser – UK)

Animated version

Angry German Kid vs. Mary Bale (evil cat thrower) (My video that I made)

And much more…

People's reaction to Mary Bale


News report showing people's reactions to seeing Lola the garbage bin cat being dumped.

Mary Bale on TV speaking to reporters

Owners REACTION to Mary Bale dumping Lola the cat

Mary Bale's reaction to the internet audience

Mary Bale is made to suffer humiliation at the hands of the internet audience who have taken to getting their revenge on seeing such a cruel act.
Even Nick Clegg the deputy prime minister was shocked at her behaviour, it was revealed today.

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