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If You Main Palutena refers to a meme posted on the Smash Bros Ultimate Subreddit.
On March 19, 2022, u/Asad_Farooqu posted a meme with the caption, "If You Main Palutena, There Is A 99.9% Chance You Never Played Kid Icarus Uprising."

The post gained 3000 upvoes in two days.

Later that day, u/im-a-normal-human-being posted an edited version of the meme, with the top text blacked out, reading "There Is A 99.9% Chance You Never Played Kid Icarus Uprising."

This post gained more than 5000 upvotes in two days.

This led to many people making their own edited versions, such as “you sus,” “If You Main Palutena no,” and “anal.”
Many people even blurred out all the text and left just the picture, and some blotted out everything except one aspect of the picture. u/wytybbyds simply posted a blank black image.

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