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Part of a series on Bootleg Bart. [View Related Entries]


Hop In Dude, also known as Bart Strokeson and The Ayiderdee Horror, refers to an image of a roller coaster car with a crudely printed picture of Bart Simpson from The Simpsons putting his arm around an empty seat. The picture was seen as unsettling by many 4chan users, who made parodies based on its creepiness, including a copypasta based on the ride.


On September 22nd, 2017,[1] an anonymous user posted a picture of a bootleg Bart Simpson roller coaster cart on the 4chan board /co/, writing, "Hop in Dude" (shown below).

Anonymous Fri 22 Sep 2017 19:37:57 No.95521751 Ô View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>95522485 >>95522512 >>95522534 >>95522543 >>95524851 >>95527273 >>95529293 Hop in dude Anonymous Fri 22 Sep 2017 19:40:34 No.95521802 Report Cowabunga, my tubular compadre. Anonymous Fri 22 Sep 2017 20:01:50 No.95522162 Report Eat my disinfected bottom wear View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO feel.gif, 7KİB, 645x773 Anonymous Fri 22 Sep 2017 20:02:26 No.95522169 Report 62KİB, 432x768, IMG_3543.jpg ew Same Google iqdb SauceNAO , Quoted By: >>95522262 this is kinda sad desu


On March 6th, 2018,[2] the image was reposted on /co/, leading to a user to say they'd seen it before. The post read, "I saw this exact 'ride' at Ayiderdee last month, it was in storage for god knows how long. There was still vibrant on the yaefh feshe man telodwww es eryh bot with a newer base at the bottom, I figured they were going to put it back out but it's gone now, must've trashed it. They're the same kind of place that sells knockoff PPG toys and fucked up ice cream faces."

File: 1513458902824 png (905 KB, 720x892) గా O Anonymous 03/06/18(Tue)14:19:41 No.99065358 >>99067302 >>99071648 >>99071797 >>99072674 >>99075673 >>99080542 >>99081135 >>99086741 >>99087494 hop in dude O Anonymous 03/06/18(Tue)14:26:50 No.99065487 > >99083494 AY CARAMBA > O Anonymous 03/06/18(Tue)15:51:06 No.99067302 File: descarga jpg (7 KB, 225x225) >>99065358 (OP). Anonymous 03/06/18(Tue)16:57:03 No.99068745 >>99068792 >>99071969 >>99072220 >>99072384 >>99072513 >>99072572 >>99073791 >>99075125 >>99075139 >>99075657 >>99075676 >>99075717 >>99075797 >>99075952 >>99076018 >>99076045 >>99076051 >>99076069 >>99076096 >>99076110 >>99076606 =>99076751 >>99076775 >>99077276 >>99077935 >>99078094 >>99078680 >>99078758 >>99078807>>99079282 >>99079328 >>99079469 >> 99079520 >>99079536 >>99079543 >>99080515 >>99080758 >>99081227 >>99081309 >>99081381 >>99081383 >>99081679 >>99081745 >>99082359 >>99082418 >>99083544 >>99083575 >>99083591 >>99083700 >>99084115 >>99084210 >>99084393 >>99084407 >>99084902 >>99085187 >>99085194 >>99085219 >>99085221 >>99085268 >>99085333 >>99085464 >>99085571 >>99085599 >>99085623 >>99085784 >>99086141 >>99087033 >>99087191 >>99087276 >>99087300 >>99087316 >>99087345 >>99087366 >>99087422 >>99087461 >>99087549 >>99087693 >> 99087705 >>99087803 >>99087835 >>99087936 =>99087954 >>99087982 >>99088044 >>99088132 >>99088210 >>99088266 >>99088308 >>99088339 >>99088460 >>99088491 >>99088660 >>99088676 >>99088708 I saw this exact "ride" at Ayiderdee last month, it was in storage for god knows how long. There was still vibrant on the yaefh feshe man telodwww es eryh bot with a newer base at the bottom, I figured they were going to put it back out but it's gone now, must've trashed it. They're the same kind of place that sells knockoff PPG toys and f----- up ice cream faces. Anonymous 03/07/18(Wed)10:43:45 No.99084407 >>99068745 dont you f------ dare putting me in the screencap

The strange text turned into a copypasta and added to the picture's mystique as a cursed image on the board. The copypasta and image both gained notoriety on /co/ and both are often edited to heighten the feeling of uneasiness given by the original image.
With some speculating it to be a simple keyboard glitch, an actual aneurysm, or an anagram of "we fed the few reasonably showy meth". On September 28th, 2020, an anon attempted to correct and transliterate the numerous misspellings in the original "Ayiderdee" post, causing it to read, "I saw this exact 'ride' at Ayiderdee last month, it was in storage for god knows how long. It was still vibrant on the yellow top part and the image of bart with a newer base at the bottom…" This led users to joke that the "curse" of the image had been lifted (shown below).

Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 05:00:23 No.118008362 View Reply Original Report [149 / 58 / 112 Quoted By: >>118008475 >>118008520 >>118013823 >>118018248 >>118018255 >>118018451 >>118019800 >>118028715 Hop in, man. Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 05:11:23 No.118008431 Report Quoted By: >>118008660 >>118009575 >>118009584 >>118009647 >>118010045 >>118010151 >>118010226 >>118010266 >>118010283 >>118011324 >>118013821 >>118015892 >>118016346 >>118016801 >>118016872 >>118016899 >>118016956 >>118017024 >>118017332 >>118017343 >>118017496 >>118017864 >>118017961 >>118018014 >>118018451 >>118018517 >>118018521 >>118018557 >>118019181 >>118019243 >>118019883 >>118020462 >>118021814 >>118022435 >>118022686 >>118023629 >>118024758 >>118024799 >>118025146 >>118025645 >>118026629 >>118026803 >>118026877 >>118026886 >>118026898 >>118026942 >>118027073 >>118027319 >>118027538 >>118027700 >>118028346 >>118028370 >>118028505 >>118029125 >>118029246 >>118029275 >>118029283 >>118029295 >>118029317 >>118030077 >>118030178 >>118030316 >>118031111 >>118031125 >>118031182 >>118031448 >>118031644 >>118031719 >>118032693 >>118033693 >>118034284 >>118034547 >>118034607 >>118034638 >>118034967 >>118035686 I saw this exact "ride" at Ayiderdee last month, it was in storage for god knows how long. It was still vibrant on the yellow top part and the image of bart with a newer base at the bottom, I figured they were going to put it back out but it's gone now, mustv've trashed it. They're the same kind of place that sells knockoff PPG toys and f----- up ice cream faces. 2MIB, 1125x1303, 1520530181785.png View Same Google ImgOps igdb SauceNAO 4 Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 05:38:59 No.118008660 Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 15:38:44 No.118016956 Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 05:18:37 N Report Quoted By: >>118010183 >>118010264 >>118010273 >>118016777 >>118029293 >>118031002 >>118031089 >>11803165€ Quoted By: >>118018498 >>118029767 >>118008431 >>118008431 »118008362 >yellow top part and the image of bart the Rosetta shitpost B-bart kun. View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO + 1586172730999.jpg, 60KIB, 480x341 You sure you don't mean "yaefh feshe man telodwww es eryh bot"? Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 15:42:29 No.118017024 Repo Anonymous Tue 29 Sep 2020 03:41:34 No.118029293 Report >>118008431 View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO a 1470135494320.png, 200KIB, 603x438 >>118008660 finally, i can rest.. Anonymous Tue 29 Sep 2020 00:18:41 No.11802 No hexes or curses allowed here, you rascal. >>118008431 I can't believe it View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO IMG_5193.jpg, 176KIB, 863x752 Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 15:29:57 No.118016777 Report >>118008660 View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO a wat dis.png, 101KIB, 571x465 It has returned. Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 15:36:13 No.118016899 Repo View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO a 1551308044461.jpg, 41KIB, 720x892 >>118008431 Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 10:31:15 No.118011184 D Report so this is what Columbus felt when he discovered America Quoted By: >>118011232 >>118013861 >>118016880 >>118016927 Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 16:28:03 No.118017961 Report >>118008431 What an uninteresting anecdote nymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 15:37:30 No.118016927 0 Report 118011184 aw this exact "Sneed" at /tv/ last month, it was in storage for god knows how long. There was stillI Chuck on the yaefh feshe man telodwww es eryh bot with a newer base at the bottom, I figured they were going to put it ck out but it's gone now, must've trashed it. They're the same kind of place that posts knockoff reddit memes and f----- up frog faces. Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 16:24:02 No.118017864 View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO a 1594325007295.jpg, 44KIB, 320x286 Report Anonymous Tue 29 Sep 2020 13:36:26 No.118035686 Report 118008431 Finally, I now have closure on something I never knew I needed closure on. Thank you , anon. >>118008431 At last i see the light Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 16:30:31 No.118018014 Report A brilliant eonfiuence of skill and purpose! >>118008431 I'm skeptical how accurate this actually is, I mean compare the garbled text: >.yaefh feshe man telodwww es eryh bot. >.yellow top part and the image of bart. You also changed 'There was still vibrant' to 'It was still vibrant' to make it work. Anonymous Tue 29 Sep 2020 00:00:11 No.118026629 Report >>118008431 am I f------ alive right now Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 22:16:10 No.118024799 Report >>118008431 YOU FOOL Anonymous Tue 29 Sep 2020 00:09:31 No.118026803 Report >>118008431 kek YOU'VE MESSED WITH THE NATURAL ORDER View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1570247657946.gif, 1014KIB, 640x360 Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 22:36:07 No.118025144 Report Anonymous Tue 29 Sep 2020 00:13:59 No.118026877 Report >>118017044 >>118008431 /tv/ is reddit humor YOU DID IT YOU F-----! THE TARDSPASM LANGUAGE HAS BEEN DECRYPTED! View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO + 1599195728460.jpg, 30KIB, 373x373 Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 22:36:22 No.118025146 Report View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO a 1499409603240.png, 460KIB, 582x535 >>118008431 Anonymous Tue 29 Sep 2020 00:14:28 No.118026886 Report Wait, is this actually written in a language that exists in this astral plane? >>118008431 I'm so used to the original text that I didn't realize at first what sorcery you had just committed View Same Google ImgOps igdb SauceNAO a 052F6F16-EC9F-4435-812D-30B44426 (.).jpg, 582KİB, 1105x876 Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 08:54:48 No.118010045 Report Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 23:07:27 No.118025645 Report Quoted By: >>118011270 >>118018485 >>118008431 >>118008431 Millions of years of evolution has led to this moment Yes but where's Ayiderdee? Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 10:36:12 No.118011270 Report Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 16:53:16 No.118018485 Report >>118010045 It was inside us all along. Quoted By: >>118019212 >>118010045 View Same Google ImgOps igdb SauceNAO t 1592112290997.jpg, 1MIB, 2176x3264 >Ayiderdee Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 10:39:43 No.118011324 Report >>118008431 THE SACRED KNOWLEDGE HAS BEEN UNLOCKED Could mean Aberdeen or Adelaide? Anonymous Mon 28 Sep 2020 17:31:17 No.118019212 Report >>118018485 >>118018521 I remember a thread a while ago where people were trying to decipher this message, and someone who lived in Adelaide said that he remembers that one of the amusement parks there had the exact same ride in the photo. Anonymous Tue 29 Sep 2020 06:58:52 No.118031089 Report >>118008660 Welcome home, stroke-kun. View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO a Cate becomes bread.gif, 2MİB, 519x387 Anonymous Tue 29 Sep 2020 07:02:15 No.118031111 Report There was still vibrant on the yaelh feshe man telodwaw es eryh bol with a newer base at the boltom Quoted By: >>118031240 >>118008431 The mystery is solved at last. Now, ruin will come. View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO a ei nath.png, 36KIB, 767x739 Anonymous Tue 29 Sep 2020 07:04:07 No.118031125 Report Ei Nath! >>118008431 By the name of Ayiderdee, the curse has been broken! Anonymous Tue 29 Sep 2020 07:12:15 No.118031173 Report It was still vibrant on the yellow top part and the image of bart with a newer base at the bottom >>118013821 what the f--- anon put a spoiler on that CALAMITY View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO Usagi nani.png, 60KIB, 303x303 Anonymous Tue 29 Sep 2020 07:13:18 No.118031182 Report NANI >>118008431 MARCH 28th The Day The Ayiderdee Curse was lifeted

Various Examples

Go For Ride With Bart? Its more likely than you think.

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[1] 4chan – co

[2] 4chan – co

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