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"Hi, I have a confession, I am a Christian but I'm gay" is a viral meme consisting of a radio clip from a religious call-in show broadcast in Nigeria, in which a woman calls the hosts asking for advice regarding her sexuality. After stating that she is gay, the hosts cut her off before she can ask a question, with the hosts shouting a variety of comments, such as "hey!", "remove yourself!", "impossible" and "gun lean man gun lean". Western audiences have responded with shock, surprise, and laughter at the dramatically harsh response.


The meme came from a clip broadcast on or around October 5, 2022, which aired on a Nigerian station called Grace Communion Church Radio, and was "posted to TikTok by the user qdjar, with the caption "Nigerian church radio go crazy" ( The clip was recorded from an app called Radio Garden, which lets users discover stations by locating them on a globe by broadcast location.

The full segment does not appear to be available on the internet at this time. The station's church's website is still online (, but the station itself appears to broadcast only silence for the time being (


The clip has grown in virality, with multiple internet personalities such as KSI, xQc and Forsen reacting to the clip and getting a large amount of views from those reactions as well (,,,

Radio Garden as a meme source

Some TikTok users have posted clips from the app going back so far as 2021, usually to recommend the app to others ( However, on August 1, 2022, swiss_.maps posted a video to TikTok after discovering a channel from Norway called "Spinning Seal FM", broadcasting a constant loop of Maniacs of Noise's 1999 rendition of "Happy H. Christmas" (, which many circles is associated with the "Spinning Seal" meme due to its inclusion in a viral "there is no need to be upset" meme mashup (, as well as a subsequent 1 hour loop of the very same meme ( While swiss_.maps' clip appeared to show the meme of XxGTR DANNYGxX raging on Xbox Live chat crossfading into the song (, others posted clips of the station playing the "Happy H. Christmas" song on a loop, some being surprised that the station was real ( This appears to be the first comedic use of Radio Garden clips on Tiktok.

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