Russiagate - Images
More like Russian Delusions
We are ALL guilty..... But what was our crime?
Trump's Response (The guy really is a walking meme)
DrShaym on collusion
Underpants Gnomes Present: Russian Collusion!
"The Russians got to Mueller. That's the only explanation that makes sense."
The allegation that the President of the United States may have suborned perjury before our committee in an effort to curtail the investigation and cover up his business dealings with Russia is among the most serious to date. We will do what’s necessary
"If a President...suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony, or commits any act deliberately impairing the integrity of available evidence, then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction." — William Barr
If the story is correct, Trump told everyone Russia was innocent of a cyber attack on the opposition party while pursuing financial gain in Moscow, lied about it, and then personally directed his attorney to lie about it too. That’s not just collusion. Th
Assume Giuliani is telling the truth (🙄) & they never denied that people in the campaign may have colluded with Russia. Then the response to the investigation would’ve been, “Have at it, find out what those people did & hold them accountable.” But it wasn