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Internet Archive Shutdown Threat refers to class action lawsuit against Internet Archive by 4 book publishers after the digital copy of the books was founded in the "National Emergency Library" on the site, which leads threat to shutdown it.


Starting in March 2020, Internet Archive site created the "National Emergency Library" due to temporarily shutdown of public libraries cause Coronavirus pandemic. On June 10th 2020, their Twitter[2] @internetarchive announced temporarily shutdown "National Emergency Library", the tweet received 137 likes and 127 retweets (shown below).

Internet Archive @internetarchive Temporary National Emergency Library to close 2 weeks early, returning to traditional controlled digital lending @internetarchive #nationalemergencylibrary 137 11:10 PM - Jun 10, 2020 107 people are talking about this

It was happened after 4 book publishers such as Hachette, HarperCollins, Penguin Random House, and Wiley didn't happy about that and sued Internet Archive. The lawsuit argues that "IA’s actions grossly exceed legitimate library services, do violence to the Copyright Act, and constitute willful digital piracy on an industrial scale." according to Decrypt[1].


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External References

[1] Decrypt – Activists rally to save Internet Archive as lawsuit threatens site

[2] Twitter – @internetarchive

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