”There’s a mechanic in the game called Teralization right now that gives Pokémon weird ugly hats. The crystal effect itself looks fine but the hats..“
Billie Eilish, Singer, Reveals In A Recent Interview to Vogue America
"There's an unfair hero called VII that has an annoying grapple hook and he combines that with a dodge roll with bombs. It takes skill completely out ...
Billie Eilish, Singer, Reveals In A Recent Interview to Vogue America
”There’s a nice card in the game called Battle fury right now that synergizes with my favourite keyword "Overwhelm" because they go big. Nerf vengeanc...
Billie Eilish, Singer, Reveals In A Recent Interview to Vogue America
”..it just allows a single character to spam a choke and deal constant chip damage to a whole team, while also juggling them. Super annoying.”
Billie Eilish, Singer, Reveals In A Recent Interview to Vogue America
”There’s an unfair card in the game right now called Bard. Its just straight up universal and toxic, and makes every midrange deck a stats casino."
Billie Eilish, Singer, Reveals In A Recent Interview to Vogue America
"There’s this really overpowered agent named Chamber right now, he dominates the meta right now. I can't wait to see him nerfed next week."
Billie Eilish, Singer, Reveals In A Recent Interview to Vogue America
"There's an unfair hero called Baptiste that has an immortality field and does more damage than most DPS. It takes skill completely out of the game."
Billie Eilish, Singer, Reveals In A Recent Interview to Vogue America
”There’s an unfair legend in the game called Seer right now that Respawn won’t seem to do anything about. He takes skill completely out of the game.”
Billie Eilish, Singer, Reveals In A Recent Interview to Vogue America
Bilie Eilish, singer, reveals in a recent interview to Vogue America that lately she’s been frustrated with League of Legends.
Billie Eilish, Singer, Reveals In A Recent Interview to Vogue America