
Deadpool   673

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Started on artist Téa Gara’s Facebook page, username Haizie Grey, on March 2, 2023. It got 2.9k shares on her own profile but soon spread out to multiple meme pages and went viral on twitter (aka “X”) with tens of thousands of shares. The meme was made in reference to a post andrew tate made about having a “full head of hair” but an image of a balding Andrew tate began circling around after his arrest. Téa drew the meme as a form of the “based meme” as nothing can convince andrew that he doesn’t have a full head of hair. It has also evolved into a wojak for “dusty men” often with variations of the caption “d*mn she fell off after highschool”

http://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0ABNjWXpViqR7MiqUndqqYByMyiSRWPf6TjmKaaQeLp7Bm2dUBp5QSNuctn97zDnMl&id"https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0ABNjWXpViqR7MiqUndqqYByMyiSRWPf6TjmKaaQeLp7Bm2dUBp5QSNuctn97zDnMl&id=100004442163680":http://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0ABNjWXpViqR7MiqUndqqYByMyiSRWPf6TjmKaaQeLp7Bm2dUBp5QSNuctn97zDnMl&id=100004442163680h2. Your title here…=100004442163680!

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