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Last posted Sep 13, 2024 at 04:56PM EDT. Added Feb 17, 2021 at 12:11PM EST
1309 posts from 22 users

Kommando_Kaijin wrote:

(Are you forgetting how drawn animation works?)

(That would mean I have to draw it 2-24 times in a row, slightly different each time.)

(Thankfully, I'm not exactly working on a Height Chart right now. I'll probably make an actual illustration after I'm done.)

(You could just make it shake violently or spin rapidly instead. If you started doing proper animations, then that would mean I'd actually have to start trying again 😨)

(I guess what I'm saying is that it might help to come up with something that gives you a little bit of urgency to encourage you to work on something.)

(Like, because I'm mostly doing sound design at the moment, I was able to turn a brain fart I had an hour ago into reality, because I didn't want the idea to slip away.)

(Sometimes you've just got to seize the moment instead of putting it on the backburner with everything else.)

Quiet_boi wrote:

(King once more with the flawless space lesbian shitposts)
(Wonder if he's tried Crow Country?)

(I've watched Manly Badass Hero's LP of it.)

(It's an interesting game, but it came across as being far, far too easy to be a survival horror game. I'd say it's more like the original RE4 and is just a spooky action adventure game with the amount of ammo and health that is just lying around everywhere with an infinite amount of pistol ammo just lying in the boot of your car which you can access at anytime outside of boss arenas.)

(I was thinking of designing some Shirleyist plasma weapons and an explanation as to why they look radically different to Shitbot plasma weapons.)

(My idea was that Shitbot plasma weapons work by venting partially ionized plasma from the magazine into the bulb and then rapidly heating it and magnetically charging it with the bulb's filament, making the plasma fully ionized and then expelling it through the lens on the front with magnets, focusing it into either a projectile or beam and the projectile's own magnetic field maintains it's cohesion temporarily, which is why plasma projectiles fizzle out of existence over relatively short distances. Also, Shitbot plasma is neon-mint green because it contains mercury and copper.)

(But Shirleyist plasma weapons work by having an internal chamber filled a mixture of inert gasses that's then charged and ionized by a laser and a Tesla coil and then forced through the barrel by magnets and is formed into longer, bolt-like projectiles that aren't as explosive as the Shitbot plasma projectiles, but move faster and farther and have better penetration. Kind of in between Shitbot plasma (all blast, poor penetration) and Shitbot Phlogiston projectiles (all penetration, poor blast) in terms of performance. Also Shirleyist plasma contains Argon and Aluminum, giving it a violet-purple color.)

(I want different factions' weapons to be different but similar. Soup King seems to be found of wacky & chaotic short-range & melee stuff, which I think is a good contrast to my strong preference for the relatively uncomplicated strategy of "shoot them from as far away as possible with as big of a gun as possible." I mean, it's even reflected in my two favorite melee weapons being the Halberd and longer, more Meteor-Hammer-like Flails that basically keep the user as far from their opponents as possible.)

>at least check out the story, those are shenanigans that are worth seeing

I'll be honest, although the premise of the story was very interesting and original, I found it really unbelievable because these have to be the most stupid time travellers in all of fiction.

Like, you have this incredibly sensitive and complex machine, and you are telling me that the antennas made out of solid gold and copper, two very soft and weak metals, have no protection from the elements or outside interference (e.g, some dude just mining the literal tonnes for pure, refined precious metals just sitting there.)?

And these antennas apparently have no way of relaying back any damage they have received, despite that being the primary job of an antenna, back to the guys in the future to let them know that it has been damaged and jumping through the portal will turn you into a mentally-retarded slop fiend?

And on top of all of this, what would they have achieved if the Crow family never found them and damaged the portal?

These time travellers, in all of their infinite wisdom, have decided that the best way to get a message back to the past was to emerge a few miles below the surface of the earth in a random, uninhabited place, and then what?

It would have worked better if they were just inter-dimensional travellers instead, because then these gripes would have been understandable, as those two metals might be extremely common in their dimension and they would literally have no idea where they would pop out, but because they are time-travellers and clearly extremely advanced, it makes the whole fact seem incomprehensibly stupid because they should have known all of this beforehand and chose a better place to emerge.

I feel the choice was made purely so you could have a good or bad ending, which a creator shouldn't be forced to do.

>I was thinking of designing some Shirleyist plasma weapons and an explanation as to why they look radically different to Shitbot plasma weapons.

(This does sound like a really cool idea to help distinguish between the two factions in a fire fight, as they tend to be quite similar in the range department for the most part.)

(In my mind, the effects Shitbot Plasma weapons are the same as Covenant Plasma weapons in the Halo books, where a negligent discharge into the floor will melt your lower legs off and about three inches of concrete as it splashes on the ground.)

(I'm picturing the Shirleyist Plasma weapons as being more refined and more like the plasma rifles from Fallout.)

>I mean, it's even reflected in my two favorite melee weapons being the Halberd and longer, more Meteor-Hammer-like Flails that basically keep the user as far from their opponents as possible.

(Foolish heretic!)

(Clearly the patricians choice of melee weapons is the electrified brass knuckles, because if the enemy isn't getting a broken jaw, second degree burns and involuntarily making Murloc sounds when you punch them in the face, can you really say that you've hit them?)

(Backed-up by the Swiss Army knife of melee brawls, the folding steel chair, your pointy sticks and weaponised farming instruments will be parried away and you will get rushed down.)

(Unless we're formation fighting.)

(If we're doing that, then pointy sticks all the way.)

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